Went for my check-up yesterday and al-hamdulillah everything goes well for me and the babies. As the doctor scan my tummy, he was showing me the three babies and their heartbeats. Well, seriously all I could see was a small dot blinking…I guess equipment are very high tech nowadays even at 10th week the heartbeats could be seen.
My appetite has not change much. Still having problem getting the food in my body system. I really can’t wait for another 2 weeks cause that means, it’s the end of my first trimester. People say, morning sickness and all the discomfort will be over once we enter the second trimester…yeah that’s what people say. I’ll just have to experience it myself and see what I have to say. Lots of people tried making me to look on the positive side of it, having said that if we go through a hard time with morning sickness it is a sign that the babies are developing accordingly. Well, at times you don’t simply believe what people say, until yesterday while waiting for the doctor, another patient was telling me the exact same thing, but this time she quote it from an article, The Psychology of Pregnancy from Reader’s Digest. Hmm…that makes it more believable considering where the source came from.