hArith and athirAh had their first solid food…AVOCADO. mOmmy chosed avocado because of its high nutrient content. hArith had no problem eating. But athirAh, had difficulty to swallow the food, so doctor suggested to give some time before we try feeding athirAh again. Harith enjoys eating, he definately has pApa’s appetite..hihi
Well, I find preparing fruits puree very convenient. I smash the avocado and keep it frozen, so I need not smash every morning. Here’s how I did it….
the cubes to be kept in the freezer, so mOmmy can use the ice tray to smash other food =)
take one cube and few drops of milk, and heat it up using the bottle warmer
Tadaaaa…..It’s ready
As suggested by the website I read, we need to try each new food for 4 days, so we could detect any allergies reaction. Both has no problem with Avocado, now they are having bananas. Yum Yum….