I have few more days to make up my mind. Should I or should I not? I’m giving it a thought, should I buy the Medela Pump In Style Advance. At the moment I’m using Medela Mini Electric Plus (the classic double nozzle). So far I have no problem with my current pump (it has also served my friend well) but I believe the Pump in style could help increase production. Someone said she could get 12oz in 10 to 15 minutes!
No doubt I’m not a working mother so why do I need the Pump In Style? Well I do pump quite often. Average of 3 to 4 times a day. Besides wanting to keep some stock (cause I foresee that in the future I might not be able to bring all 3 babies when I go out) I also need the express milk when I’m occupied with hArith and athirAh. I could just heat it up and get someone else to feed uZair. Thus whenever I’m playing with hArith n athirAh, I need not drop everything in order to feed uZair. On top of that, I wanna train uZair to be able to use the bottle. Takut if dh biasa b**bs kang taknk bottle. So since 2nd day I feed him using bottle at least once a day.
So why do I have few more days to make up my mind? My dad is going to the State and I believe it is cheaper to get it there. But although it is cheaper comparatively to the price in Malaysia, it is still not that cheap. I mean, still damage to the pocket. So should I get it or should I just settle with what I have?
Btw, IF I’m getting a new one, I’ll let go my current pump. Anyone interested to buy it? Perhaps I shall let it go at RM350? (bought it for RM699) Any takers? If there is, then I’ll definitely consider bout getting a new one.
if it weren’t for my PISA, i would have bought it from u already ;D
well, if you didnt tell me how magical PISA is…i wouldnt have this dilemma of ‘to buy’ or ‘not to buy’ hmm….
beli Freestyle jelah?
u gune freestyle ek?
i tgh nk mintaq review org ramai ni coz we r talking bout big ammount of cash ni..hihi
i didnt buy freestyle pun sbb x de review from anyone..it’s really new in the market. But yeah, PISA does work like magic :D:D:D
Munirah, can you save the pump for me please? Considering to buy em from you before Raya.
sya adam:
before raya? wat if someone else wants it like errr now..? 😉
If they are already a ready buyer then takpe lah. if you can still keep for me, that would be great. thanks
salam munirah,i baru 1st time masuk ur blog,my name is ida..u can review one of the FS user at neeza79@fotopages.com
this mommy already use spectra 3,ameda n now FS,from her comment i also terpikat with this FS,but the price i saw at FFY so the bomb (2+++)
munirah,i really2 like this FS,can i ask from u to buy for me? may i know hw much the cost?
really appreciate ur kindness,TQVM
can i hve ur email add?
hi ida,
yup ive read tat page u kasi. hmm still uncertain nk beli yg mane satu
nway here’s my email add: