No no, i am not gonna further my studies! So why is my title for the blog “exam period”?
Well, since the birth of ahmAd uZair…I really feel like as though I’m in my exam period. The lack of sleep that is. It’s like back in those uni days where through out the exam period baru lar nk menggelabah stay up. After one paper finished…baru nak start making notes for the other subjects. Yup, while others started reading their notes I on the other hand baru nak buat notes (with all those colourful pens I have, hihi). And when time running out I would make a promise to myself not to do such last minute reversion (or rather notes making) for the next semester but somehow I NEVER managed to keep to tat promise. Yeah…screw me. Anyway, enough of my uni days. Tat’s not my main topic I wanna talk about for this entry.
The reason why I mentioned about it is because having 3 babies now I definitely haven’t been sleeping enough. Especially since I breastfeed uZair. He wakes up almost every hour and he doesn’t like feeding while I lie down. He prefers for me to sit thus I can’t catch my sleep while feeding.
The MAJOR different between now and my uni days of exam period is that exam period last for one month (the longest) whereas this ‘exam period’ i’m having now would last for AT LEAST a year!!! Another thing is that, uni exam period I would drink coffee after coffee and of cause my Livita honEy but now in confinement cold water is a NO NO…arrrggghhh. So how do I keep myself awake?
After a month of exam period I could sleep like nobody’s business. BUT now? I guess I’ll just have to start to train my body system that all it can have is like 1 hour of uninterupted sleep and a total of about 4 hours a night.
Oh gosh…i really think I need a break. Besar tul hajat kn, baru 2 minggu dh nak a break. Dream on munirAh! It is not even close to possible to have a break. Maybe in 2 years time it COULD be possible. COULD? Well, I really hope so.
p/s: definitely need something for my eyebag

munirAh hanim …. mOmmy yang shape badannye takkan lari la sbb ari2 marathon with 3 babies. tak payah pk2 nak pakai sendayu tinggi, dnhans la kan hanim.
berat mmg dah turun tapi b*ntut menggelebeh ah dh beranak 4 ni..hahaha. so nk kena gi gak slimworld nampak gayanye…hahahah
(macam lar ade masa kn nk gi)
berat skrang 44kg. cume pinggang ni masih kena usahakan… kite amat malas pakai bengkuk, x selesa ah
ayyo…g slim world nak bg b***ut jd mcm ziana zain ke? takpe… kamu tetap ratu di ati syauqi. huhuhu.
org tak beranak rajin beria2 pakai bengkung nape lak ni tgh pantang tak mau pakai.
hanim… betol ke kalu da pregant nnt perut tak cantik? kite tgk perot kwn kite. mcm buah limau da kecut. ade tak benda leh prevent jd gitu
tu ah besar hajat nk gi slimworld. nak tido pun takde mase lagi berangan nk gi slimworld.
tp tak lar nk biar b*ntut macam ziana zain.
perut mcm buah limau dah kecut? aiyoo mcm mane tu? kite takleh nk imagine? nanti kite tanye syauqi perut kite mcm buah limau dah kecut tak…hihi
ke strecth mark yg awak maksudkn?
itulah pengorbanan jadi ibu..
saya dulu menangis2 tak cukup tidur, anak tak pandai menyusu..dahla kena duduk rumah mak mertua jauh di temerloh..
tapi my husband try to pujuk me dengan cerita maryam ibu nabi isa..lahirkan anak di bawah pokok kurma.. tanpa sebarang sumber makanan…
mungkin kes u berbeza, with 3 babies…? kalau I pun tak terfikir nak lalui macammana..
sekarang ni fatimah selalu tak sihat n I pun penat sebab preggie tak habis first trimester lagi…pun selalu mengeluh..
patutla Rasulullah sebut sayang pada ummi 3 kali then baru bapa..
mmg I sangat terkesan bila dengar lagu2 pasal ibu, nasyid bonda-hijjaz, lagu ummi dalam bahasa arab tu..
yelah stretch mark le. kite tgk macam limau kecot. huhuhu. x bek betol kite ni. tp betul.
kena pakai pe tu nak bg ilang?
tu ah, kalau ikutkn mmg rase nk nangis…
fiza:ohh strech mark, kite so far takde. tgk gak kot lain org lain kulit. kite gune nivea avacado oil. tapi lebih tak letak dpd letak.