I’m done with my confinement but now down with fever. Baru ingat after abis pantang nk kuar puas2 before Ramadhan starts….. =(
I’m also having muscle ache could be due to breastfeeding. I mean all the nutrion goes to the milk. And since I’m allergic to milk, thus I’m lacking in calcium….
Even during pregnancy, I had leg cramps almost every night. Even after the doctor increased my calcium tablets dossage, I still had leg cramps at night.

Jom Kuarrr ~
get well soon ok. selamat menyambut ramadhan and regards to all d cute babies..
hye mommy…
do drop by my shop for affordable baby apparel..
get well soon kay
salam munirah … lama dah x leh view ur blog ..finally dpt jugak baca updates about u .. aminnn & congrats ya ..d ah selamat bersalin dah rupanyer .. keeep blogging okies 😉
hi there, yah i decided to make it open for public again 😉
and thanks for ur well wishes =)
Alhamdulillah…seronoknya ada anak ramaikan….apa rahsia dpt triplets? Anyway salam perkenalan ya….