My phone conversation at 9:30 am today:
Me: Mur, saya amiq Mur jam 11 pagi ye (I’ll fetch you at 11am)
Maid: Maaf ya, saya tak bisa kerja (Sorry, I can’t work)
Me: (was wondering what she meant, can’t work as in want longer Raya holiday or want to quit)
Huh? tak mau kerja?
Maid: Ya, Kak Ani (my mom’s maid) slalu marah2 saya . Maaf ya
(Yes, I often get scolding from Kak Ani. I’m sorry)
Me: (Speecless, pause for few seconds…) OK (hang up the phone)
I have soo many things to blog about yet so little time to spare here bcoz I’m without a maid. YES, I’m without a maid AGAIN! The only different than previous episode of without a maid was, last time it was with two babies but this time around, NO maid and with 3 BABIES!!!
*Oh keremping lar badan saya…my free ticket to a slimming programme
yarabbi apekehal boleh buat decision mcm tuh. sungguh tidak ada hati perut. gimme a call if u wanna use my mom’s agent.
wah… kesiannye u. 3 kids n no1 to help u out.
planning to get new maid ke? i’m looking for one too… know where to find one?