The PhotoMama – TRIPLETS plus ONE

The PhotoMama

December 31, 2008
I can’t wait for 2009 countdown. No, not because eager to watch the fireworks or any of the celebration but….

for the launching of PhotoMama

check it out mommies =)
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  1. but i was shock that we have to pay for it. I think nothing is free after all :p

    cekik darah jugak dia tu, hurm…


  2. hello there anonymous,
    most mothers who appreciate good photos capturing our children’s moment would consider PhotoMama as Heaven sent. For a mere RM290 you would be able to learn about photography and receive guidance for ONE WHOLE YEAR.

    isnt this better than attending a one session of 2 hours workshop.

    n even if u want to hire a proffesional photoghrapher it would cost u bout the same (or even more), and tat’s only for ONE SESSION.

    however with PhotoMama u can learn urself n start capturing ur kids moment for 24/7

    i personally find it reasonable cheap…unless u can recommend me any other cheaper bargain


  3. sign up at photomama kene bayar rm290 ke? when they request for the money? i signup jerr… ingatkan free!


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