Well, have you check out The PhotoMama? Have you registered and visited the forum? I have however learnt a thing or two and of coz eager to learn more. Do check out the tutorial and start taking great photos of ur child/children.
Yup, some raised the issue of the fees. Ni negara demokrasi, if u find it expensive…then don’t bother but i find it RM260 for a weekly tutorial (for duration of one year) is a steal!
Nway, they gonna have the first inaugural PhotoMama Gathering. There are only slots for 20 families and the list are filling up real fast. I think only few more slots left. So hurry, grab this opportunity. Here are the tentative programme:
Subject : TPMC 1st Community Gathering & On-location short demo
Date : 8 February 2009
Venue : 1 of a bungalows in TTDI (yet to be confirmed)
Practical & Demo venue : At the bungalow’s private garden
Breastfeed Room : PROVIDED!!
Makan : Potluck for kuih. The rest, will be provided by penganjur
Time : From 9.00am – 1.00pm
Fees: FOC
Agenda :
9.00-10.00am – Arrival of all participants & icebreaking
10.00 -10.15am – Video presentation
10.15-10.30am – Briefing about ThePhotoMama program throughout the first trimester of 2009.
10.30-11.30am – Practical session & camera review. Please register your name and your best camera model you have. I’ll do some study prior to the event and help you to utilize your camera to the max.
11.30-12.00pm – Press conference 12.00-01.00pm – Photo Review through a projector.
*Oh of coz you hv to get urself registered in the forum community before you could RSVP for the event

I still feel it expensive tho’ 🙁 My bad.
But hey, I’ll learn from you. Cant wait to see gorgeous photos taken by you that you learnt from the online paid tutorial (have yet to see them :p)
If you really can produce good photos just by learning thru TPM without going to actual classes, I’ll definitely follow suit (and u claim la commission from SN :p)
yup, negara demokrasi. if u dont feel like it…its ur call =)
chop this is not Hana as in Hana Jahudi my sister kn.
Oh no, cannot be sbb hers would be a registered ID
Hana Hadinah la :p Sorry used to be a silent reader, love reading your daily journals 🙂
oh ic ic.Hi there then! =)