Well, it sure looked like a full house travelling with 3 babies. We decided not to bring the twin stroller takut susah nk manuever at the small road lanes. So bought new stroller for lil uZAir and courtessy of my jiran, we pinjam her stroller for hArith. So, syauQi, my sis and myself had a stroller each to push.
At the immigration counter in Bali, my parents had settled theirs so it was our turn. The man then called for Ahmad; “yang Ahmad nye yang mana pak?” (which one is Ahmad?) our quick respond was “Ahmad yang mana? sumenye ada Ahmad” (which Ahmad, all name has Ahmad). Hearing the answer the man stood up to look at all of us over the counter. He looked suprised upon seeing 3 strollers. While checking each passport he then asked…”ibunya yang mane?” (which one is the mother?)…so i raised my hand.
I guess he was still puzzled seeing all 3 about the same size but one mother. He actually then asked if my sis Hanah is a second wife!!! Of coz my reflect action was “NOOO”… he smiled and said “kalau isterinya 2 tak salah ya, lagi bagus ya” (even if it’s 2 wife…nothing wrong, infact better)…oh well Hell No!!! – oh of coz i didnt say tat to him. I then told him Hanah is my sister, he smiled.

hahhahhaa………Hannah jadi 2nd wife? tingat i citer Isteri Utk Suamiku yg Indon.tu
hi…Its me Lynley…d Flight attendant…i hope u really enjoy urself wif ur family n kids in bali…nice pic though..thanks 4 posting my pic wif Uzair…(^_^) would appreciate if u can send me d pic dat u took d ohter day..2 my email lynley_goh@yahoo.com…thanks ya… take care n hope all d lil’ones stay cute always!!! (^_^) hugs!
hi lynley!
my husband lost the paper tat he wrote ur email add.tats y we couldnt send u ur photos. nway,
will email u the photos .=)