alamak, ramai pulak yg bertanyekn ape jadi to my trip ke bukit tinggi n genting. first let me warn u…tulisan dibawah adalah berdasarkn suara hati yg tidak puas hati, maka logic lah if penulis exxagarate keadaan dan situasi di sane and mayb i dont to proper justice to the place..hahaha. so jgn amiq bulat2 kata2 saya ni.
First of all, kami sampai tempat tu kul 11 and most places baru bukak. Destinasi pertama kami is to the botanical garden….masalah biasa yg kami hadapi, tempat bertangga2 impossible to bring the kids. kami turun just few steps tuk tgk the place but dari jauh tak lar nampak menarik bebaloi untuk kami angkar bebudak tu turun naik anak tangga so kami pun patah balik ke kereta menuju ke colmar.
Dah nk smpai colmar ade lar pakcik guard direct us to the covered carpark. Yer, terima kasih pakcik kerana guide kami ke car park..pastu ke mane kami nak tuju? signboard direction hampeh takde. dah lar tempat parking elok2 dijadikn stor lar pulak, byk lar stok spare part toilet bowl, sinki, bathtub “parking” kat situ skali. Oh kami jumpe lift. then nk tekan butang ape? tingkat mane nk gi. oh takpe, masih bleh gune logic kami tuk tekan lobby lar kn (d-uh). pas menuju colmar tu kami rase lapar nk isi perut dulu sbb en suami tak makan pape lagi. restaurant dah bukak tapi tgh transaction from breakfast ke lunch so no food serve. tak dapat lar kami nk makan.
Nk keep the kids occupied, jumpe children playroom…Yayy!! (oh jgn terlalu excited awal2 yer, haha). hArith n athirAh nk naik mesin2 yg kena letak duit tu. Oh perlu gune token ye bukan syiling. mane nk beli token? sila ke next room (game archade room). dah sah sah tau mesin kat children’s room tu memerlukn token, letak lar mesin token kt bilik tu jugak..takyah lar susah2 nk ke bilik sebelah. Dah gi bilik sebelah, mesin token tak berfungsi!!! Satu makhluk pun kami tak nmpak tuk bertanye macam mane nk beli token. kesian lar anak gue yg dh excited main dgn stering mesin tu tapi tak gerak 2!
Meanwhile, syauQi gi survey tmpat tuk lunch:
Restaurant pertama:
syauQi: abang, sini lame tak if order makan.
org kedai: pelayan dgn cashier tak masuk lagi lar bang.
syauQi: ?
org kedai: saya tukang masak jer, kang sape nk open bil?
syauQi: kedai dah bukak ke blum?
org kedai: kedai dh bukak tapi diorang tak masuk keja lagi.
kesimpulannye, takleh lah nk makan situ
Restaurant number 2
syauQi: bang, sini lame ke kalau order makan?
org kedai: (dgn jujurnye jawab) lama jugak lar bang, kadang 25 min, kadang 30 min.
syauQi: takde org pun lame ker?
org kedai: lama bang, tgk gak tukang masak yg mane masak.
syauQi: (blankk)
Hmm..mungkin sebab ari selasa, weekday kn so tempat tu mati skit. so sbb kesiankn anak yg dah restless tak dapat buat pape, kami decided tuk naik genting je lah dah alang kt belah sane…
Kejadian di genting pula?
Kt genting nothing much happen cume i feel that the rides takde yg sesuai tuk hArith n athirAh. for their age group actually bleh lar naik mende indoor mcm “boat” sume tu. tapi mende tu cam lembab nk mampus. mau baru seminit duduk anak2 gue sudah restless mau terjun keluar.
Tapi rasenye kt Genting rides tu overpriced ah…baik gi lagoon je kot. Eh chop, dah lame tak gi lagoon…tak tau masih okay tak maintanence die. ade sesapa penah gi lagoon lately? minta tlg kasi feedback skit.
Hmm…tapi mmg Colmar tu i find it shantek, but y lar malaysia ni ade masalah dgn maintanence??? sayang tul mende dah ade tp tak di-maintain.
I was thinking to there too.nampaknyer tak jadik lah.. nak carik mkn pun susah..
I’ve never been to neither of those (genting or colmar). But the Lagoon, is the Sunway Lagoon or other Lagoon that I’m not aware of its existence? Anyway, my Dad (he’s American) was very impressed with the Sunway Lagoon. He took my cousins there when he was on business trip in KL last year and they all had tons of fun there. I think other than kiddie pool, there are also other fun things for kids and adults to do. I was there one time when I was 12 years old (now 28!!) and I remember having a blast. Hope this help!
i pun baru je turun dr genting tu.. nnt lah i story mory kat blog i..
tp i setuju sgt pasal overpriced… better ke lagoon je..
-mama emma-
Mommy Prince:
if pegi weekend okay kot..hidup skit tempat tu.
Ame O:
yup, im refering to sunway lagoon. the last time i went there was bout 10 years ago…things were gud im just wondering are they maintaining it well since most of the tourist places i go lately has maintenance problem.
but the prob with sunway lagoon is the opening hours. it only opens a 11am (weekdays) and 10am(weekends) by then the sun is already high and hot and they closes at 6pm! i really do think they should open it early and perhaps closed at 7pm instead.
precious innocent:.
kay i tunggu u story mory dlm blog u =)
i pun rasa sunway lagoon okay,was there during matric.(last 13yrs :p) berbaloi sbb sekali byr leh main semua2!
genting, A Famosa melaka dan Colmar cantik je lebih tp maintenance dan service mmg hampeh…tak sesuai utk bercuti dan perlukan masa cepat serta anak2.mau anak kita kelaparan dulu bru dpt jamah mkn!