yarabbi i pun baru ditanya like YESTERDAY the same question ok. freaked out like hell crazy! they were so happy to think that im preggie and i pulak rasa bersalah to cut theit excitement and said "no im sorry no babies, just the lemaksss". like sh*t lah kan. hahahahha tension!!!@#$%^&*
alahai.. abaikan je depa tu… sian u… (erm.. in the meantime, cuba la pakai korset ke.. apa ke nama ntah.. body suit! ha.. mungkin boleh improve ur tummy…) 🙂
jiey^mien: masalahnye, org2 kt umah i ni pun mmg kate i dh nmpak berisi… damn, tp bile timbang..my weight same jer so husband kate…lemak kt buntut sudah pindah ke pinggang…ahaha tu sbb weight maintain same
Lana: yes, it is FREAKING CRAZYYY kn kn kn. psst…ke ur frens hit kt u its time to give hQ adik, hihi
zuhaini: mase dlm pantang pun punye lar malas nk pakai bekung apatah lagi skrang if suruh pakai corset…haha
susah lah nak breastfeed, bgn diri, bgn diri and all if pakai
takpe2..nanti i rajinkn diri gune osim u-zap..ahahha
kita byk kali kena soalanc epuemas nie…lagila bersalin c-sect … perut susah nk kempis ..geramm tensiiii … lama2 kita pekakkan telinga ..mls layan ..bila betul2 preggy ada plk yg kata eh preggy ker .. igt coz berat bdn naikkk hanginnn aku !!
hhaaa…sama! menyampahs jgk tp org semua dok excited ingat kita pegnant.. takpe, masin mulut pegnant lah! hahha..seingat i, dah 4-5 org buat ‘tekaan rambang’ tu! (camne ek bdn kurus tp perut geleber-alahai, ayat yg sadis 🙁
hQ want adeks orait but management & finance department says not yet. isk isk.
btw come to think of it munirah, u should not feel bad bout your body considering the fact that u had 4 babies out of yah. u r still slim than most of us ok! take it as a symbol as a reward from god to us. heh my positive attitude towards flabby tummy btol 😛 bagus tak.
munirah, seriously… abaikan je.. let them say what they want. I’m more than happy to give you all the time you need to get rid of that tummy. You had 4 babies in 2 years.. that’s out-of-the-planet uber cool okay!!!.. hehehe
gemok kah hanim? xde maknenye.
mane ade gemok la
kalau tak buncit perut ni…mana mungkin org kate pregnant…
fat? flabby tummy?
oh God! kalau i tak kenal u sumpah i tatau u dah anak 4. i mesti igt u masih remaja n anak dara.
aduh, kembang lagi perasan i baca ur comment..haha
tp kenapa ade yg tanye i pregnant ker? sah sah lar kn ade tayar spare kt keliling pinggang i ni =(
Dear, kalau u org kata pregnant, kalo org tu tgk I, mau dia kata I pregnant twins!
No la dear, you’re very far from fat or flabby tummy ok.. Cam nak dara!!
yarabbi i pun baru ditanya like YESTERDAY the same question ok. freaked out like hell crazy! they were so happy to think that im preggie and i pulak rasa bersalah to cut theit excitement and said "no im sorry no babies, just the lemaksss". like sh*t lah kan. hahahahha tension!!!@#$%^&*
alahai.. abaikan je depa tu… sian u…
(erm.. in the meantime, cuba la pakai korset ke.. apa ke nama ntah.. body suit! ha.. mungkin boleh improve ur tummy…) 🙂
masalahnye, org2 kt umah i ni pun mmg kate i dh nmpak berisi…
damn, tp bile timbang..my weight same jer
so husband kate…lemak kt buntut sudah pindah ke pinggang…ahaha
tu sbb weight maintain same
yes, it is FREAKING CRAZYYY kn kn kn.
psst…ke ur frens hit kt u its time to give hQ adik, hihi
mase dlm pantang pun punye lar malas nk pakai bekung apatah lagi skrang if suruh pakai corset…haha
susah lah nak breastfeed, bgn diri, bgn diri and all if pakai
takpe2..nanti i rajinkn diri gune osim u-zap..ahahha
kita byk kali kena soalanc epuemas nie…lagila bersalin c-sect … perut susah nk kempis ..geramm tensiiii … lama2 kita pekakkan telinga ..mls layan ..bila betul2 preggy ada plk yg kata eh preggy ker .. igt coz berat bdn naikkk hanginnn aku !!
salam ziarah.. n salam kenal dari saya… cute laaa baby2 awak tuh.
Bloghoping dari mana saya pun dah lupa nih..
hhaaa…sama! menyampahs jgk tp org semua dok excited ingat kita pegnant.. takpe, masin mulut pegnant lah! hahha..seingat i, dah 4-5 org buat ‘tekaan rambang’ tu! (camne ek bdn kurus tp perut geleber-alahai, ayat yg sadis 🙁
i ada osim uzap gak..hehe
u nk beli second hand? heee. i mcm nk jual la..i rasa i guna dalam 10 kali jer…huhu
Kurang asammm..sape kata kt u mcm tu????
tatau ke anak tiga!
hQ want adeks orait but management & finance department says not yet. isk isk.
btw come to think of it munirah, u should not feel bad bout your body considering the fact that u had 4 babies out of yah. u r still slim than most of us ok! take it as a symbol as a reward from god to us. heh my positive attitude towards flabby tummy btol 😛 bagus tak.
munirah, seriously… abaikan je.. let them say what they want. I’m more than happy to give you all the time you need to get rid of that tummy. You had 4 babies in 2 years.. that’s out-of-the-planet uber cool okay!!!.. hehehe
takpe, insyaAllah rezeki anak nanti ade punye..say like u get increment 😉
oh i soo luv the way u put it “that’s-out-of-the-planet uber cool okay!!!
that brighten my day =)