Attended majlis aqiqah today with athirAh alone. Left the other 2 behind coz they were asleep. Although syauQi is not around, i decided to go since the house is just in the neihbouring housing area.
And i brought my camera along so i could use the opportunity to practise my photography. Hmm, but with athirAh around…couldnt really took much photos. She created chaos in the house. She was non-stop on the move. Mujuh lar takde pape yg pecah.
Nway, here are some of the shots that I managed to capture..
To the Tuan Rumah, thanks for the great hospitality. Hope tak serik to have my lil rascal in ur hse again =)
psst…have u ever received words of inspiration that u actually smile ear to ear just like a 5 year old kids getting a sticker on their book? Well, that’s what I felt today =)))) – no no, it’s nothing about the photographs

cutenya… 🙂 ibu baby pun cute! 🙂
Munirah, lawa gambar! serius cantik.