This is also another belated entry (and yes, do expect more of belated entry ya…)
Jua, invited us over to her Casa for some fun in the water. haiQal was also there (but baru realise lar Lana…gmbar anak u takde sbb most of the time he was with u in the water and i was told not to take gmbar mOmmies2 kn) Faris and haiQal had fun swimming in the big pool but due to tak cukup kaki kids didnt join them.
But they surely had a blast though…splashing away at the water fountain. Tgk lar dua beradik ni happy air tetiba memancut kuar…
I didnt dare to go near them…the camera might get wet with all the splashes by the elder two…
Karate Kid…
p/s: im still in the middle of touching up my Dot Com. Wanna do a blogroll of exhange link. so sape nk exchange link…leave a comment ya =)

Hoh sure puas hati budak2 tu dapat main playground..
Do link me too..
seronoknye budak2 tu..n ur pic cantek2 laa..
anyway i already add ur new link in my list 😀
Wahhh !!! Best nya main air ….
Suka tengok pic yg last tu .Uzair tengah senyum lebar sampai nampak gusi . 😛
Psttt !! Mama tripletplusone jgn lupa link saya k 😛
seronok nyer…
sy pon dh add ur new link..
mesti bebudak tu seronok…tengah panas-panas ni main air best…
kita tukar link ok….
dah lama add ur link in my blog list tanpa ijin 😀 sowiie..n way,
saya saya saya
tak add saya majuk ok
Munirah Reply:
June 25th, 2009 at 6:15 pm
cik puan punye dh trus masuk blogroll saye yer
apa beza blogroll and ur xchange link?konpius2…eh besnye la ramai2 bebudak main air gituuu
can we exchange link?
hi.. i blom lg update ur new link in my blogroll…