1st July:
athirAh excited sambut pApa came back from work
2nd July
3rd July
4th July
kids jakun tgk buah rambutan..hArith mula2 geli nk pegang ‘rambut2’ rambutan…pegang sipi2 jer kt tangkai tu..hihi
5th July:
6th July:
on the 6th ni both athirAh n uZAir muka sakit..sbb actually diorang dh kena the babi punye kuman…athirAh dok nangis meragam tak sedap badan actually. ptg tu bile syauQi confirm positive trus we all lak buat the swab test. alhamdulillah kami dah segar bugar.
orait will smbung more photos later2. mase kt hosp my sis amiq photo of hArith byk yg gegar2 lar pulak…aiyoo

gamba uzair 3rd july tu cute ah. future biker ka? hihi.
*alhamdullilah smue dh sihat2. kmi la plak ada sintom2 sakit nih. sigh
Munirah Reply:
July 16th, 2009 at 12:44 pm
kecik2 jer dibenarkn naik motor..besar nanti takleh nk merempit. so biar naik puas2 mase kecik…hihi
hi munirah.. cantik2 nye shot/gmbr u ambik!
pandai.. bile laa i nak pandai camtu.. huhu..
gatai.. pdhal pakai kamera auto je..
glad u guys dh recover.. alhamdulillah..
n thx for ordering fr my mom yea..
hope ur babies cakes will turn out as u wished!
hope ull have a great bday party nnti.. 😀
Munirah Reply:
July 18th, 2009 at 12:27 am
alar..ur dad kn reti amiq gmbar..suruh lah die ajar =)
im so glad ur mom still accepts my order even though last min nak mampuih..hihi
come lah bring nadhrah…run wild in the garden..hih
hilang stress tgk gambar cute-cute nih 🙂 take care ok.
salam kenall yer tuan rumah…
ya allah sukanya saya tgok gelagat mereka2 ini…. sgt2 comell okeyyy…rsa nak ku geget2 pipi dorang yg gebusss nie…
Munirah Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 8:53 am
pipi uZAir kot yg paling bes tuk geget..hihi
alamak! i selalu skip hari lar…
Munirah Reply:
July 18th, 2009 at 9:25 am
ha..nk kena denda ketuk ketampi ni!