Gosh it has been soo long since i had a real proper dinner. My definition of real proper dinner means…i get to eat without any interruption from any of my lil’ rascals.
Believe it or not, since i hv kids, we – husband and wife, never actually eat out just the two of us. Today, just before En Suami perform his maghrib, he said “you, cepat get ready kite kuar sejam…” which means we will be back for the kids bedtime. Although i was quite reluctant to leave all three behind…En Suami gave me a lil’ push and convince me that the kids would be fine without us…so off we went just the two of us to Tony Romas.
Since we were able to indulge without interruption…after eating one beef rib, i felt fulled. Previously, whenever we go with the kids…i always have to “pause” every now and then, to attend to the kids’ need. So usually mmg tak sempat kenyang, coz just when i fill up my tummy..the next few minutes i’ll burn the calories since i have to deal with them. But this time around it was different…the minute i feed myself, i could feel my tummy being fill up…hihi
Infact, with the kids i would ask for refill of my water up to 4 times…but today i only refill it once! And upon finishing my meal…i could barely stand up!!! Gosh…it has been quite sometime since i get this feeling of “fuhh..kenyang nye tak larat nk jalan!”
All this while, bile gi makan perut akan rasa “dah tak lapar” ( as in makan tuk hilang kn rasa lapar) instead of “kenyangnyeee…”…errr get wat i mean tak? it’s a totally two different feeling
And also petang tadi…i had a nap. It was heaven hokey to get a nap during the day. Heaven!
Thanks En Suami!
oh on the other note, talking about eating without interuption…i just cant imagine (and dont want to imagine…hihi) how we gonna break fast during Ramadhan. Everyone busy eating…and the kids busy eating playing with their food, asking this and that…ohh nooo!

I know how u feel . Dapat makan dengan tenang dan tanpa gangguan serta dapat tidur petang .. huuhhh !!! nikmat sungguh .
Usually i makan cam ular . Telan je untuk kenyangkan perut , tu yg selalu kena indigestion . huhuhu
good for you. once in a while dapat quality time with the husband, best jugak kan. but i bet every minute mesti dok teringat kat the three musketeers ya tak? haha
tapikan bile keluar berdua je without anak, rase macam lain macam kan. rasa macam tak biasa & rasa macam eh nape macam tertinggal something ni.. hehe
macam tu aa i rase when both of us keluar berdua je (konon2 nak rase balik zaman dating berdua), tapi end up rasa macam tak cukup something.. hehe. biasa busy ngan karenah anak time makan (means makan selang2 dengan nak layan karenah dia).
Munirah Reply:
July 27th, 2009 at 9:54 am
azza, smlm mmg tak sempat nk rase something is missing sbb kami dh bgtau those kt umah kami kuar sejam jer…so smpai2 trus order makan, food smpai trus makan tak sempat piki pape sbb kami ade sejam jer…hihi
wah..skalo skale dpt mkn berdua and take a nap tanpa gangguan..sonok kan?
i selalu wonder camne u handle the kids because i ade sorang jek baby tu pon rase cam nk aum..aum..jd singa sbb x cukup tido n penat..hahahhaha..
tabik spring kat u laa..
Munirah Reply:
July 27th, 2009 at 9:56 am
cikpid, mmg heaven smlm
err…bab mcm mane handle tu mmg takde manual book or guideline..just take one step at a time. takde nk piki “errr bsok mcm mane ek” we deal dgn ape yg ade depan mata
haha.. i rasa ape yg u rasa… i pun x leh nk imagine n mmg x nk imagine mcm mane nk menghadapi budak2 ber3 ni time buke posa.. huhu… sabar je la..
Munirah Reply:
July 27th, 2009 at 11:46 am
tu lah..begelut lah nanti bulan pose kn.
p/s: aritu i ade email u ajk bday…u tak dpt ek email i?
nurul Reply:
July 28th, 2009 at 9:15 am
dpt.. tp i bukak email ari u buat bday party tu la.. huhu.. x dpt nk join.. sori… rugi la miss the party! nnti jgn serik ajak kitorg lagi kalo buat party k! hehe…
sure heaven kan? I sejak ade anak gilir-gilir makan dgn ayah dia so each of us have our own sweet time makan tapi x de makan bersama time la.
Munirah Reply:
July 27th, 2009 at 4:57 pm
mamalisa, if on usual days bleh lar nk gilir…tp bulan pose nanti sure sume nk makan same time…
ha makan la bebanyak..kang jadi belon cam i 😛
cubaan mengomen utk eksyen dekat soki
sekian terima kasih
Munirah Reply:
July 27th, 2009 at 7:13 pm
u jadi belon ek..nanti i amiq pin cucuk u…trus kempis. takyah susah diet bagai, amiq pin jer cucuk2..hihi
testing testing test power ni..wakakak
Oh Hanim, how nice. I’m thinking i should dump Bilal wwith his grandparents or aunts and uncles while tarmizi and I go out to eat alone… i forget what its like…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
July 27th, 2009 at 11:29 pm
well, if syauQi didnt give me that lil push to go…i’m pretty sure at least uZAir will ended up tagging along. my elder two has turn 2 years and we finally had dinner just the two of us…
can so understand that.
i’m a mother of 3, first twin, but unfortunately i lost my third child masa deliver.
tapi yes, masa makan, memang havoc. tangan kelam kabut. mana nak suap anak, mana nak suap diri sendiri.
lepas tuh bila makan berdua jek ngan husband kat luar cam blank. haha. sbb terover tenang. 😀
kudos to you, and angkat tabik for being ectremely capable to look after THREE KIDS at one go. cayalah!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
July 30th, 2009 at 1:34 pm
bulan posa ni sure mencabar punye. pastu bukan budak2 jer bising..takut tuk n pah pun bising sbb cucu bising…haha
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 3rd, 2009 at 1:17 pm
mase kitorang mkn berdua tu…tak sempat nk ade perasaan blank, sbb makan tgh laju since ade time frame of one hour, hihi