I’m so happy to know that my guests said they had fun during the party, not just their kids but also the adults. And after looking back at the photos…i guess, it’s true…the adults enjoyed themselves too. Here are some photos of adults having fun =)
I believe…not just the kids were on the trampoline, adults too. Sume takut memula nk naik sbb weight limit. After i said syauQi naik takdehal..baru sume org berani naik, hihi
Ha, cube korang tgk ni lak…yaya tgh nk meng-adventure-kn diri die…trying to stand on it. takpe2 yaya…i pun curious with it andΒ did the same mase baru pasang aritu..hihi. so yaya, u bejaya tak diri on it?
Ni daddy haiQal coverline tgh demo kt haiQal macam mane nk naik the ride..hihi. No worries Helmi, syauQi beli tu more for him not for the kids…cover line jer kate tuk budak…haha
ha, ni haiQal with momma lak…Lana, u went in to ensure the bigger kids doesnt step on haiQal or u used that as a reason to go in? hihi
but then again..i did the same too when we first blew up the thing! hihi
And look at this couple..enjoying quality time together since their son was pretty much occupied with the toys. All they had to do was sit back and relax =)
And here are photos during the waterballoon session..the adults look happy too….looking at their children playing (photos courtesy of yaya)
Here’s a photo Jua in action…i was trying to avoid from her balloon but failed
and i tried throwing one back at her but failed…damn

omg! seriously i tak sangka helmi macam tu. i tot dia jenis malu kucing. tak sangka boleh selamba naik beskal ke apatuh, aku pun tatau nama dia. Lana! betul ke tu ur hubby kun?
btw, ur punya usaha keras nak mengelak my bomb sampai gitu sekali u bend badan u kat pic second last. terburai i gelak tengok those pics.
Munirah Reply:
July 22nd, 2009 at 7:45 am
hihi…jua, rahsia dh terbongkar…tu mmg helmi punye ride kegemaran. if die dtg sure die naik..kan kan helmi. hihi
gelak ek…takpe, nanti rematch kite tgk who will have the last laugh…hihi
Gosh munira, gambar i giler kelakar!
tengah gelak lagi neh….. Yah… we had fun!
Munirah Reply:
July 22nd, 2009 at 7:44 am
ha kantoi! hahahaha =D
its seem so funnnnnn…
Munirah Reply:
July 22nd, 2009 at 7:43 am
mak bapak budak pun had fun…hihi
tension!! jeles!!! sbb i x p… sedih sgt π
ok ok.. back to normal mood…
sapa ur official photographer??? ke xde??
Munirah Reply:
July 22nd, 2009 at 7:42 am
xde official photograhper sbb i had only 4 days to prepare for the bday…so mmg completely lupe bab tu =(
wah seronok giler. brapa lama plan ni?
terrer ah u. π
Munirah Reply:
July 22nd, 2009 at 9:03 am
short notice giler. decided to do the party ari selasa. rabu gav out invitation…so i had like 4 days to get things done. tu sgt kabut
haha yeah helmi kantoiiiiii taking the ride from the kids hehehe. actually munirah, we all khatam semuaaaa gadgets & toys that were in your house..sgt best ok kalah any playland or kidzsport. love it love it. u have totally built a heaven for kids (& adult). untung anak.
Anyway gambar i tu, we were taking cover in my kubu from the water baloon fight between u n jua ehehhee. my ocd child x mo dibasahi dong. π mama dia pun sama hehehe.
totally the party of the year π tnx for the invite!! wajib buat setiap tahun gini.
and to syauqi, thank u for approving munirah to finally have the party. :):) we all love u for that.
Munirah Reply:
July 22nd, 2009 at 10:34 am
wahh lana macam over rated lar pulak rase, smpai kidzports pun my hse bleh kalah kn…hihi
nway, smart2 made the inflatable turn out to be ur kubu! pasni i know where to cari u..and main target would be haiQal to get him out of his ocd-ness…hihi
and, yes…thanks for aknowledging syauQi’s approval for the party! since everyone enjoyed it..maybe i can get advance approval for next year! hahaha
yes me too had so much of fun babe!!!
Munirah Reply:
July 22nd, 2009 at 10:31 am
alar..takde pulak gmbar evidence u tgh bersuka ria..hihi
mr.syauqi, next year sila bagi budget lagi ok. eh jangan kedekut tau. hahhhaha
Munirah Reply:
July 22nd, 2009 at 10:35 am
ha, cepat sume org tolong i dptkn approval dpd my Finance Minister tuk party thn depan =D
Ehem ehem…advance approval??
we’ll see about that
Munirah Reply:
July 22nd, 2009 at 10:39 am
ha tu die…pasal duit cepat jer suami ku bersuara…hihi
cepat2 sape nk tolong i dptkn approval lagi! hihi
eiii… gila jiwang syauqi >> From Paris Wit Lurve…
Munirah Reply:
July 22nd, 2009 at 12:24 pm
oh mentang2 dr Paris, trus u kate jiwang…cube lar if From Bombay Wit Lurve..confirm u tak kate jiwang kn kn
wahhhh in Paris already??? munirah, don’t u wish u were packed in his bag? hehehe
Munirah Reply:
July 22nd, 2009 at 12:34 pm
oh yes i wish…pack all 4 of us! pastu gi disneyland paris!!!
omg jelesnya tgk bapak org melompat2 atas trampoline tu!!
the party looks superb! mcm tipu je 4 hari prepare.hehe. mr.daddyoftripletsplusone, sila approve nxt year’s party ok! π
Munirah Reply:
July 22nd, 2009 at 7:31 pm
jom jom come over if nk lompat trampoline! takyah tunggu next year