Akmal & Sarah Raya Potraiture – TRIPLETS plus ONE
Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE

Akmal & Sarah Raya Potraiture

August 30, 2009

Today I had my first Raya Potraiture. Weather was good and I had 2 luvly kids who were more eager to play than taking photos, hihihi. Here are Akmal n Sarah who were great at posing with the props given…


 Scattered raya cards for them to read and thet gave me great pose






 Oh we even had these!!! Kids had a blast time pulling each other =)


 And Sarah insists on pulling her brother too!!


 At first their parents refused to join the photo session…with much persuasion they ended up having great time in front of the camera



After few family shots, the dad was being  cool enuff  to play along with the raya theme…ha amiq ni…titisan wudhu’ di subuh hening…


Get the flash player here: http://www.adobe.com/flashplayer

I had a great time with them. Would like to have a session like them? do email me at munirahpunye@yahoo.com.

Oh cant wait for tomorrow’s session, nk kacau dodol and anyam ketupat!!!

and oh, this will be a signature pose for every session


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  1. hah!anyam ketupat?

    abislaa tershashul-shasul esok ni.wuwuuu


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    ha…mari kite tgk bsok ketupat menjadi ke tak, hihi


  2. hanim….we had a blast time this evening…berpeluh-peluh budak2 tu amik gambar…sib baik depa sporting, tak komplen aside from those now and then “mama, nak main!!!”….hehehe

    as for myself, sib baik termakan pujuk utk tukar baju and jointhe kids…kalau tak nyesal tak sudah

    n’way, bila tgk the result, it was all worthwhile…mmg berbaloi…thank you!!!


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    glad u all had a blast. i was rather surprise to know that akmal was fasting despite lari sini sana. he was full of energy! Gud thing sempat amiq gmbar Sarah before she saw the toys. Sarah sure konpius kn…asal lar tetiba kena bergambar with baju kurung and all…they toys sure look more interesting than taking photos…hihi.

    Thanks for having the raya portraiture session with me =)


  3. sukaaa nyaaa . Cantik pic yg munirah captured . Very unique and very santai . Kalau dekat boleh lah saya amik satu potrait session ngan munirah . Dan satu special session ngan atirah 😀


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    haa, ade alasan nk kasi hubby tuk jalan2 KL ni, hihi


  4. munirah u mmg gifted lahh!! boleh buat side income mcm niiee 😉


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    insyaAllah if ade rezeki…baru nk start with mini session =)


  5. sangat2 cantik……apakan daya jauh sngt nak join…huhu

    p/s: salam aidilfitri DARIPADA kami 😉


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    ha’ah larrr baru notice…teringat dah zaman SPM bebuih mulut cikgu kate dari tu tuk tempat dan masa jer…hihi


  6. betul betul. nanti kena amend cardboard tu jadi DARIPADA 🙂

    anyway, nice shoots!


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    yup, dh amend 😉


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