We just got back from a rather challenging trip back to Penang. Our initial plan was to leave early morning but hArith started vomitting since the night before, each time he drank his milk or ate anything. Went to clinic first then only proceed with our journey.
Oh btw, after 4 times traveling with the kids (twice to penang, once ipoh and once Bali, i’ve figured out a way to pack my kids’ clothing. Do u hv the same problem like i did before? You pack everything in the big suitcase..and when u reach ur destination…all the clothing tunggang langgang when u tried pulling one t-shirt out. Or you wanna search for one particular clothing and ended up with a mess in the suitcase, other clothes were left half folded. Well, i always encounter this problem…thus i started packing their clothing accodring to days, pack it in individual clear plastic bag like this…
here’s a closer look of it,
yup, i label it accoding to date and day / night. So each time i wanna take their bath, i’ll just pick one plastic bag..so no mess in the bag. And oh, i’ll have another plastic bag labelled “extra clothing”
Anyway, about the trip…my kids had problem getting along with the relatives over there. Sume jadi anti-social. We had to carry them all the time, pApa said like as though we have a handbag to carry with us. And also i think it was because everyone came to them wanting to carry them, so trus tekejut jadi takut. Like why is everyone coming after me?? haha. Especially when we want to eat / pray, if we asked someone to help jaga kn, they will carry them. Lagi lar phobia…asal lar sume org nk dukung aku, coz my kids kn suke meng-explore tempat. So i guess next time nk suruh org jaga kn..i takleh gune pekataan “jaga” i kena gune pekataan ” tengokkn”…so let the kids go wild while someone look upon them to avoid any “accidents”
So that night, we went for my friend’s akad (that’s the main reason balik penang…fren’s wedding). Event started late..went upstairs to see the bride and had to take numbers bile nk take photo with the bride…
Nak amiq gmbar bride pun agak susah…one hand holding the camera while the other hand carrying uZAir..so nk amiq gmbar, celah2 org je lah..
Then ni nk queue up to take photo with the bride…waiting for my turn
It was getting late..my kids were hungry, so kami ni muka tak malu gi masuk dapur cari food. buat macam rumah sendiri bukak rice pot and all. My kids must be really hungry, rice tak cukup. En syauQi lak jadi muka tak malu pegi depan mintaq food dr catereer..hihi
ni lepak kt luar dapur smbil makan
we lepak kt dapur belakang, and when the akad started, i couldnt get much photos since i was still carrying uZAir n it was a bit crowded.
ended up watching the ceremony vis tv screen…
It was getting late, so again we buat cam rumah sendiri…went up to put the kids to sleep so we could take turn to have our dinner
Left the hse at almost 1130, managed to take photos with the bride n groom but uZAir refused to look at the camera…
He was too curious y is mOmmy not as tall as the bride n groom kot..and last2 all 3 of us lak tg kt die…
to be continued…

idea packing yang BAEK PUNYE. lepas ni takde i nak bertempik dari dapur kat kampung ‘baju faris lepas mandi warna merah seluar putih kat line kiri tauuuuuuuu!!’
hahaha, alasan baek punya dan memudah suami cari dan pakaikan baju faris. i sayang u ah gini munirah. hahah
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 10th, 2009 at 8:46 pm
i bleh bayangkn u jerit dari dapur!! hihi
ha, if dah sayang i, ape lagi…belanja lah makan…hahahha
i can imagine the hardwork of packing with the 3 lil rascals. 🙂 i dun go to that extend of labeling but i pack Azfar-chan’s stuff according to activities and days.
p/s: anak sorang pun boot waja dah penuh..masuk 2 nanti taktau la..kene beli lori kecik agaknye 🙂
and yeah, i’ve put ur link on my wp
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 10th, 2009 at 8:45 pm
dulu pack accodring to day and activity (without the label and plastic bag) tapi each time sure problem..tercari2 dlm bag tu. so now i decided to pack n label it…turns out to be a great way for packing
cute je Uzair in the 2nd last pic tu… curious giler …
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 10th, 2009 at 8:44 pm
sibuk jer nk tgk pengantin…jenuh panggil2 suruh tgk camera
packed & label. brilliants! kena try nih. hihi
uzair sorg blom tdo ya. siap buat muka pelik lg. cute!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 10th, 2009 at 8:44 pm
tu lah, die jer blum tido sbb tak mlm die nk b**by smbil baring. tapi bile dh smpai umah cousin tu…die tido knock out abis. bgn once jer (if not slalu bgn 3 4 kali) then bgn pagi pun lewat kul 9..mmg nikmat mak die dpt tido mlm tu, hihi
oho..canteknye pengantin itu..n suke tgk mat salleh pakai baju melayu camtu…
n gud idea laa ltk tag utk baju anak camtu..even i baru ade 1 baby..kalo g jalan..kelam kabut ok..n baju die jadi bersepah2..di sana n sini..x keruan..n kalo kelam kabut..trs sy menggelupur x tentu hala..so, idea ini sgt bgs..hehehe..sy nk tiru next time g holiday
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 10th, 2009 at 12:45 pm
tu lah, even pengantin laki punye kawan2 pakai bj melayu, so mlm tu byk gak lah mat salleh berbaju melayu
i paham sgt pasal bag sepah2 tu…tu yg ended up pack camtu. actually nk gune yg sealed tu..so bleh lar kempis kn..dpt save some space, tp tak jumpe lak that seal bag
kat rumah ni dengan naufal sorang pun da cukup kelam-kabut setiap kali travel atau balik kampung.idea yang bestlah munirah!
cuti raya ni senang sikit urus,dia pun da pandai baca so ambik sendiri jelah.haha.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 10th, 2009 at 8:43 pm
if dh tau baca sure lagi senang….suruh amiq sendiri kn
btw,uzair mesti duk “oooh ahhh chanteknya pengantin!” haha.sangat chumel-chumel-chumel!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 10th, 2009 at 8:42 pm
ke ntah2 uZAir dok confused…asal pengantin ni tinggi mOmmy saya pendek..haha
oh.. sangat sistematik! but saya baru ada sorang anak, so x brapa kritikal.. hihi.. rembat je.. nanti dah beranak pinak lagi mungkin perlu kot buat gini.. hihi 🙂
comel la uzair.. 😉
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 10th, 2009 at 8:42 pm
ha..bile nk beranak pinak tu? hihi
like everyone else, i like your packing idea! so that Mr. Hubby takla bagi pakai baju yang salah nanti..hehe thanks munirah
uzair sangat curious tengok pengantin, cute! and first time dengar ur kids anti-social hhehehe
p/s : penang kat which area tu u pegi?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 10th, 2009 at 8:41 pm
bikin malu jer anak2 i..org dok budget diorang anti-social….aiyoo
first nit i kat bertam, second nite kt G hotel…tak sempat nk ke mane sbb kids not well
oh, i suka sgt idea pack baju tu, sgt praktikal lebih-lebih lagi kalau anak more than 1, cayalah munirah!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 10th, 2009 at 8:40 pm
tu lah..takde lar kang tercari2 baju..pastu buatnye baju tu kt bawah skali, nk tarik kuar sure yg lain pun besepah gak
salam kenal…smart idea for packing,bleh la follow idea nih bile nk travel…anyway pengantin tu sungguh lawa…dan anak2 awak pn comel2…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 10th, 2009 at 8:39 pm
hi there!
bile amiq gmbar ngan pengantin…i paksa die tanggal kasut heels die sbb nanti i nmpak cam terbantut sgt…hihi
nice idea! macam store EBM & baby food dalam fridge la pulak :p
btw, can i have ur email? nak tanya something. tQ!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 10th, 2009 at 8:39 pm
yup2, macam store EBM dlm fridge kn, hihi
here’s my email..munirahpunye@yahoo.com
uzair very cheeky..
packing style mcm i buat hahahaha.. sebab kalau pergi travelling 1 suitcase cramp 4 org punya baju. even mak dgn ayah pun i bawak extra takut kena muntah diaorg..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 10th, 2009 at 8:38 pm
tu lah, i pun one big suitcase sumbat sume org punye baju..with their comforter and selimut bagai sbb kt hotel kadang they sleep on the floor jer, tu bwk skali comforter. penuh smpai nk temuntah kuar bau..hihi
hai hanim,
it is such a brilliant idea.klu ada baby nnti mmg pasti tiru gak.weh,mcm kenal that bride.UIA kan?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 11th, 2009 at 11:02 am
hi hi…
yup, bride budak uia, hyda…amiq mass comm.
chop ni ninie uia gak ker?
ninie Reply:
August 12th, 2009 at 10:55 pm
yelah..aku ni ninie..heho!
i just love coming here for the awesome photos. and that’s a gorgeous shot of the bride.
alah, you just came back from penang? next time you come here (i doubt anytime soon) you’re welcomed to kepala batas tau! your kids can play with the sands and the batus here in my little kampung all they want 😀
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 11th, 2009 at 10:52 am
we made a short trip to penang to attend my fren’s wedding..her akad kt kampung pokok jenerih and the reception was at E&O hotel. so first nite we stayed at syauQi’s cousin’s house bertam pedana and second nite stayed kat G hotel.
u kepala batas kat mane? syauQi’s grandma pun kat situ..taman haji abdullah fahim
Munira dear,
Thanx for sharing the great idea! macam ni senang i nak pack my son off to his grandparents’ ;p
I really admire your strength and patience in raising your 3 beautiful children.. Keep on blogging! 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 11th, 2009 at 11:08 am
not only u senang if pack camtu…grandparents pun senang nk cari baju nanti =)
oh talking about strength and patience…my kids are really testing my limits lately…can be very stressful at times
Hi Munirah,
Love the packing idea!it can also apply to while packing baju hubby sbb die pun kadang2 buat sepah bila nak amik baju sendiri.. hehe
You guna ziplock bag ke?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 11th, 2009 at 1:26 pm
i gune clear plastic biasa jer…yg kalau u beli kain 4 meter kt jln tar tu die dah siap2 letak the kain dlm the plastic, err can understand tak ek?
i nk gune yg macam tuk food tu…so bleh kempis kn…tapi tak sempat cari, is tat wat u meant as ziplock?
A ah.. yg org guna as sandwich bags tuh. tak sure if L size boleh muat baju..but cam rugi aje sbb bags tuh boleh tahan mahal gak la.. hehhe
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 11th, 2009 at 2:44 pm
yup2 those bag. dul i beli kt tesco..now tak tau kenapa tesco dh tak jual. but if yg tu…u bleh guna again and again
omigoshhh munirah…are u wearing lipstick??
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 11th, 2009 at 7:19 pm
oh pembetulan yer makcik, tu bukan lipstick..tu lipbalm! =P
Mrs Imran Reply:
August 13th, 2009 at 10:36 pm
kaver la tu
munirah,u mmg mummy of the year!idea u sgt hebat okeh!
*tepukan gemuruh untuk ibu ini!!!*