Bubur Lambuk n My Supplement – TRIPLETS plus ONE

Bubur Lambuk n My Supplement

September 30, 2009

been wanting to put this up during Ramadhan but kept on forgetting. Nway, somehow rather Ramadhan is always synonim with Bubur Lambuk aight, especially bubur lambuk Kg Pandan..but believe it or not i never tried it my entire life…i dont quite like those kind of texture food..cam geli tekak mkn mende lembik2.

However, our neighbour gave us to break fast…and my 3 lil rascals just luv it. They ate it non stop…and we got our period of eating with peace. They really enjoyed it.

The bubur lambuk


The 3 rascals enjoying it…










Oh btw, it has been almost 2 weeks im trying the Essentials by Usana for my inflamation of bone. Of coz i cant expect it to cure immediately but it does show sign of improvement.  Previously I had to take my Arcoxia (it kind of act as a pain killer) more often, now for the past 2 weeks…i only took it once to help reduce the pain.

Although it helps reduce my pain, I always try not to consume Arcoxia often since it has its side effects

It has been almost 2 weeks im on the supplement, and it shows sign of improvement. Hoping that in a month time (or perhaps sooner) my bone will be back to normal and all ready for a round of Touch Rugby!

The supplements is not only for those with health condition but can also be used for maintainence of health =)

And during my own search of more details of Usana…i found this. The lady pretty much explain details of Usana.


You may email me if u have any enquiries regarding the supplement, munirahpunye@yahoo.com

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  1. Oh Hanim…. I hope you get better… Somebody told me about Usana jugak and I was thinking of trying… do you have someone you can refer me to?


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    dear, do buzz me at ym =)


  2. Salam Munirah ….

    I’m in a process of trying to conceive again. Trying so hard, looking forward every month, sampai to that extend.

    Teringin jugak nak try USANA ni, mana tau berjaya pulak nanti.

    Anyway, I have yet to finish my existing supplement. Once dah habis sume, I’ll switch to USANA.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    ermm..conceive again? meaning currently u dah ade one child? u hv any pcos ker? do email me if anything =)


  3. Munirah, are you taking procosa as well? Sbb procosa really helps with bones and sendi-sendi.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    i tak amiq procosa lagi coz i still have my supplements of calcium from G*C…nk abiskn tu dulu


    ary Reply:

    Ooo hehe nanti dah habis, u add lah procosa sebab procosa really works lah for all this sakit-sakit sendi and sengal-sengal badan. My mom dari takleh duduk kat lantai sebab takleh bgn, terus boleh duduk kat lantai and bangun takyah org tolong. Then she had frozen shoulder, takleh angkat tangan pon most of the time nak pakai br*a, now dah boleh with no pain.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    orait, thanks for the guide =)

  4. the best bubur lambuk i’ve had would be the one made by my grandma =D
    usually i’m not a fan of her cooking coz she does everything spicy, but i’m loving her bubur lambuk!
    i took usana too during my pregnancy, but it was all hot hot chicken shyte. but atm i’m taking the calcium supplements because i feel like my bones are about to break at any time, hahahaha


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    err i ni blur skit…wat do u mean hot hot chicekn syhte? sorry lah blur…hihi
    nway i mmg nk amiq the calcium gak but i still hv my lame punye bottle of calcium, nk abiskn tu dulu


    lilo Reply:

    hangat hangat tahi ayam =P
    masa awal2 tu semangat gila nk amik multi-vit…
    then lama2 we kinda abandoned it once the hype died down… (oops)


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    ohhh too hot ape, cam ur body cannot take it, heaty or sumething like tat…hihi

  5. munirah,get well soon k 😉 glad to hear u r getting better;)


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    thanks dear!


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