Had 2 sessoions of photo shoot petang ahad. But almost 3pm the sky seems to be rather gloomy, afraid that it might rain, i called both family asking if they can come earlier. Both had no problem coming earlier, in fact my 5pm session was already on the way coz nk biar her daughter warm up with the new environment.
Both arrived at about the same time. Unfortunately is started to rain already. Ajak lepak in my house first. Then, not wanting to waste time…we decided to start taking photos wherever possible, indoor that is (at my house patio). So byk gak lah gmbar kt pintu umah…hihi
Alysha is only 1 month older than my elder two..but she doesnt act like a 2 years old at all. she understood instruction perfectly well. suruh duduk bersila pun pandai jer adjust diri sendiri.
Ni Alysha dah pening kot i suruh die posing itu ini…last2, die posing gaya sempoi…hihi
Took quite a number of photos at the door…
close up of the gals, Alysha…
and Alia
Alia dah besar..was a bit shy when mom and dad kiss her =)
It was still drizzling slightly, but since the family tak kisah…me pun ok jer =)
cute tau Alysha bersantai, a close up of her…
Enjoy more photos of the family below
Thanks for having TRIPLETS plus ONE to capture moments of ur family =)
Oh and also thanks for the kerepek, awal pagi athirAh came to me “please please please…” suruh bukak kn

picture alia menyeringai when mom n dad kiss her tu so livable..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 16th, 2009 at 10:54 am
hihi, can see her true expression malu kena cium dpn org lain…hihi
she’s a bit shy depan other people..