I now enjoy taking photos very much, and alhamdulillah others enjoy looking at my photos too.
I have few people asking for tips and advices. Bukan kedekut ilmu but im not good at teaching. I guess not everyone meant to be a teacher aight. I even failed to explain to my very own sister how my camera works.
I think I have mentioned this a number of times. I started of with zero knowledge. Those who been reading my blog since my early days as a blogger would know what kind of photos I put up before this.
I never knew there are such vocab of aperture and shutter but thanks to The PhotoMama, it helps me improve my photos. Yes, that’s where I learn to take photos I’m taking now.
I would say it was such a good investment sigining up as the premium member. Moments I have captured for the past few months worth more than the RM280 fees of ThePhotoMama.
Here’s an entry I did after a month with PhotoMama. And Here’s an entry of me in the founder of PhotoMama’s blog. Saiful Nang wrote an entry of my “Sebelum Vs Selepas – ThePhotoMama.Com”
It doesnt mean that u need to have dslr to join PhotoMama, coz u’ll be able to learn so many other things, Arts of Seeing, various angles to take photos, ligthing, and other photography tips. And for those who already have dslr, I believe some are still using the auto mode…lets make full use of the camera…by using other mode.
However, ThePhotoMama is in the process of some modification, tu sunyi skit the website. No worries, it is in fact to ur advantage. Coz u can take ur time to catch up from the very first tutorial and practice taking photos based on the tutorial topic. So by the time new tutorials are out u can start watching the new ones.
And of coz, they key is to practice. You need lotsa trial and error =)

hehe… saya tengah tunggu durian runtuh dari langit.. kot2 la ada org nak bagi duit banyak, boleh saya pi photocamp! 😀 hehe…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 29th, 2009 at 4:55 pm
takyah gi photocamp pun takpe…photomama meant for mothers…so smbil duduk2 kat umah bleh watch the tutorial. if tetiba anak nangis, boleh lah pause the tutorial and smbung tgk lepas tu =)
and better still..it’s a one year fees and u get to view it everyday unlike photocamp…a 3 days course tp lagi mahal
mahal ke bayaran kat photo mama?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 30th, 2009 at 8:01 pm
alamak tak ingat pulak how much i paid..if not mistaken the annual fees is rm320 tp if u ade referal it is rm280. to get referal..u can just click logo photomama kt my sidebar…they can detect me as ur referal insyaAllah. For me, its totally great investment to pay for the fees…