Yesterday, went to the elder two’s school for the Child’s Observation Report: 2 Months Review. Although athirAh’s 2 Months Review is not due yet, but we decided to do both together.
Both showing great progress and most importantly they are at par with their age. Coz our main concern of sending them was due to their prematurity. Since athirAh joined later…thus hArith is capable of doing more things than her. But then again, despite being twins, both of them have totally two different personality thus ain’t fair to compare between the two.
In the report, teacher would discuss 6 main areas: Nurturing Practical Life Skill, Creating iMind. Sensorial Education, Learning Mathematics, Learning English, Social Skills and General Work Observation.
Among the things that rather impress me was that hArith is already eating with fork and spoon! At home we only provide him with spoon, didn’t know he can used both! Amazing aight for a 2 year old boy. athirAh is still working on it but has no problem using just spoon.
In the report, it also stated that “hArith can confidently say and identify colours red, blue, green, yellow and orange”. Well actually, i’m aware that he knows his colour coz I taught him the colours when we play with this…
but what impressed us is that he knows the colours regardless what shade they are. Even if i were to give him turqoise, he knows it is blue. So i pointed out at the teacher and oh apparently yes they do that at school. In fact, it is not for him yet but he have been showing great interest when the elder boys do it. They call it Colour Box 3 where they have to grade the colours from dark to light
Since hArith started going to school, his vocabulary increased a lot. And I’m also surprised to know that he is already picking up phonetic sounds. Of coz not all yet, but he already know bout 8 sounds. Well, Montessori system uses the sounds of the letter instead of pronouncing the letter itself.
As for athirAh, teacher pointed out the same thing we noticed on her “…however she only works on those that interest her….” ha, anak mOmmy ni! The teacher said sometime they feel like mak nenek sbb call athirAh byk kali tapi die buat deq jer…if she’s not interested panggil lah seribu kali pun, mmg die buat dunno.
And we noticed that athirAh hardly speaks but if she does the word would be very clear takde pelat2. so teacher said, she’s the type where she ensure she can say it properly then only she speaks. In the report stated ” Although athirAh does not speak much in class, but when she does, it is clear and in 2 words phrase”
Just like the other day, in usual scenario whenever hArith sees flower, he will keep on telling us “flowoo..flowoo”.that day athirAh saw flower in a pot..and suddenly she pointed and say “flower plant” . Yes, she hardly speaks, but when she does, she pronounce it clearly.
The schools’ materials are all placed on open shelves, i’m always impressed seeing the kids can placed back the items once finish, but how come they dont do that at home?? Teacher said, at times when asked to return the materials, athirAh buat dunno…then hArith will come and help out. Wah, kat sekolah pun die big brother tolong adik =)
Saw some art n craft made by them nak pegi jumpe Amelia! can’t wait…ha sape nk teka who’s Amelia? chop Jua takleh teka!

hi there. I love reading your blog, I have a 10 months old son, and is still picking up the skills of being a mom. I’m linking ur blog to mine ok.
(suka tengok your boy’s amazed face tgk gajah hehe)
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 9th, 2009 at 1:51 pm
hi there nina!
well, im also still picking up skill handling my kids…hihi
they test our limits at times…
munirah..tumpang tanye..kat mane school ni?taman tun ke? at what age dah boleh start hantar anak ek?
hehe byk lak soklan..thanks in advance!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 9th, 2009 at 2:06 pm
yup kat taman tun gak. i send my kids just before turning two. Tapi they dont take babies.
am happy dgr progress ur kids. Means baby prem pun boleh catch up dgn normal ones kan. My prem baby eh toddler dah pun (18months) nmpk cepat dapat benda juga, cuma dia belum start jalan lagi. Haih lama rasanak tunggu dia jalan. Btw harith and athirah start jalan umur berapa ya? tq
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 10th, 2009 at 8:49 am
yup, baby prem can ctahc up with normal ones if given the right exposure =) nway, hArith started walking mase die 16 months while athirAh mase 17 months. i brought them to kidzports coz mase tu mmg main concern nak develop their physical movement
aah, kenapa kat school lepas main reti nak kemas balik. tapi kat rumah jenuh memujuk suruh kemas, buat donnooo je.
amelia???? kiss2 i kat amelia tu dari hujung ‘rambut’ ke hujung ‘kaki’. mesti dia cantik berseri sedap mata memandang tenang jiwa. i jeles ok.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 10th, 2009 at 8:50 am
haa mmg shantek berseri sedap mata memandang tenang jiwa. u nak jumpe die tak? i bleh bawak u
i pun pelik how school can be so kemas. kat rumah, ya allah tuhan saja yg tau. but zara akan pick up if ada trade off i.e. zara nak tdo, nak susu. then i’d tell her to kemas her toys yg blocking tilam. buat la…
but i ada baca dia ckp if u want ur kid to listen. dont ask q like, u want to help mummy to kemas x?. u hv to tell her i.e. help mummy to kemas, zara.
hehe…thought of sharing.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 10th, 2009 at 8:51 am
ha i mmg tak penah tanye nk tolong kemas ke tak…i slalu kate “jom kemas” hihihi
hArith boleh if ajak kemas…athirAh liat skit
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 10th, 2009 at 8:52 am
ohh tp dari kecik i slalu ajar “bye bye toysss..” so they know it’s the cue to simpan sume toy balik dlm bakul. tp kena ckp baru buat. in skool takyah ckp boleh pulak buat sendiri kan…
Hi there!
Could you pls email me the name of the school? I have 2 and 3 years old son and am keen to know more about the school. Do they have any other branch near my area (Bkt Antarabangsa)?
TQ dear!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 10th, 2009 at 8:53 am
orait..will email u. tp mmg takde branch sane. u can survey around other skool that uses montessori method. then have a look…see what materials they use
wow…i’m so impress;-)
i’m thinking to send my daughter next year..budak2 memang cepat tangkap kan…BTW i suka la tgk keletah harith, athirah n uzair..dr ur photos pun i can imagine tau..hehhee
i nk teka! amelia tu penyanyi dangdut. betul tak?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 10th, 2009 at 8:53 am
haa ade pun org nk teka. malu tau buat teka teki tp org bolayan…hihi
u send ur kids to which montessori? what is the fees like?i am looking for one in shah alam.. kalau x ada choice tmn tun pun boleh since i work in damansara.. I heard ada byk claim montessori but they r actually just a daycare.. Huhuhuhu.. Takut tertipu…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 10th, 2009 at 8:55 am
will email u detail of the skool kay =)
seronok tgk progress diaorg kat school. tp lebih seronok baca pasal athirah yg jenis x ambil pusing pasal org tu. she sure is nurturing her “firm” ness in her. harith is so cute being so helpfull everywhere 🙂
thanx! i’ll be waiting for your email 🙂
hey would you mind email-ing me the details of the school too? thank you