This week, hArith and athirAh tak gi sekolah coz they have flu. It has been quite awhile since they get flu…dulu mmg kerap gak dpt flu. But since my friend introduced to me organic syrup, great for immune system and high in vitamin C they dont caught flu that often. I was so happy to know about it, coz i could allow my kids to drink coloured water which at the same time help with their health. But we were running out of the syrup and since its quite pricey i ended up getting a different organic syrup (at a much cheaper price). Upon buying that cheaper syrup what i had in mind was to get an alternative of a cheaper organic syrup coz so i can bancuh theirs whenever they see me drinking coloured water. So each time they want to have my drink, i’ll make their syrup for them. I totally forgotten that the whole idea of getting the organic syrup was for their immune system.
And now bila dh k ena flu baru lar teringat about the syrup. My friend that introduced it to me told me that her daughters immune system is even better than hers. She caught flu n cough more frequent that her daughter. So looks like we can’t settle for the cheaper alternative….
By the way the syrup cost me RM58.90. And for all three kids to drink once a day, a bottle would last me about 4 – 5 days. Aiyoo macam beli setin susu lar pulak. I tried giving them scott emulsion everyday…but they syrup does more wonders.
It has three flavours, raspberry, blackcurrant and elderberry. The elderberry is has richest vitamin C in it. All taste about the same…cume elderberry cam masam skit lagi…sume rase cam ribena cume masam skit. It uses concentrated apple instead of sugar
Here’s a photo of the syrup but off different flavour, couldnt find picture of the flavaour im using
Ha tu supplement tuk budak…
Mak budak lak? so far my kaki showing improvement. Of coz i can’t expect makan usana over the night terus okay. But considering where i was before….i’m happy with the improvemnt. Dulu nak duduk antara dua sujud pun senget sbb takleh nk lipat kaki betul2. Tgh malam slalu cramp…then bangun pagi nk pijak lantai pun jln capik2, naik tangga pun susah sbb takleh nk bend my leg…now all that takde. Tapi still ade rase bisa2 tu…
It has been a month since i take usana..hopefully in a month time my kaki trus okay and i can get back on the field =) 6 Nation Touch Rugby tahun ni in december…agak2 dpt ke saya kembali beraksi di padang yer….
Anyone who wantS to give Usana a try, do email me. They have wide range of supplements and sape rase nk slim kan badan they have yummy-licious nutrimeal shake.
And oh to those kaum ibu trying to conceive you can give Usana a try too. It have shown good testimonial on those having PCOS and other problems. Mane lar tau kot2 rezeki bleh dapat triplets gak..hihi, insyaAllah

hi, munirah. thanks for the info.
where can get the syrup eh? my daughter pun kerap kena selsema. puas dah scott emulsion la vit c la, selang seminggu, mesti kena lagi.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 16th, 2009 at 7:41 pm
i bought kat kedai organic Just Life at Ikano…level Lower Ground.
u can even google up for elderberry punye know more on it
wah bagus jugak supplement yg sedap sampai budak2 minum mcm sirap yer..adam susah btul nak kasi supplements/ubat
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 17th, 2009 at 8:09 am
tu lah i have the same prob with my kids…tapi when it comes to coloured drink, takyah suruh, diorang yg mintaq instead…hihi
psst…Adam is getting cuter and cuter everyday!
hey good idea. nnt nak carik syrup tu jugak.
wah..very informative..mmg nak kasik my son try jugak..asyik2 batuk n selsema je dia..kesian asyik makan ubat jer..umur 16 mths boleh tak minum?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 19th, 2009 at 12:39 pm
16 months? shuld be okay kot sbb uZAir 14 months selamba jer i kasi…hihi
isk..nak kena gi cari nih….tambah2 nak hantar kids ke school….
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 19th, 2009 at 8:14 pm
i beli kt ikano, kedai organic Just Life, lower ground