My First Sewing Project for the Kids – TRIPLETS plus ONE

My First Sewing Project for the Kids

January 10, 2010

My stepgrandma is here, kesian die teringat kt my grandpa bile die smpai sini. Ye lah usually they will come together, but this time around without Embah.

Nway, to keep her occupied i ajak die guide me to do my first sewing project for the kids.

Senget benget lah of coz kan. i bought only few magnets to give it a have to get more magnets to complete the whole set of a-z. Although senget, it is now placed on the fridge and hArith tak abis2 kate “mOmmy buwaat” =)


well, there’s always a start to everything kan. (ha at least skrang nk pasang benang kt mesin i takyah jerit panggil syauQi tolong…some improvement there…wakakakka. believe it or not, my Mother-in-law said at age three syauQi fix kan mesin if benang sangkut or jarum patah bagai..he even sew few things on his own, tapi instead of jahit gune kain die gune newspaper…at age 3 wo! siap buat bag purse dgn zip. if only his mom still keeps it)

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  1. weeei lawa la tuuu utk beginnerr..fabric kaler blue yg huruf n tu lawaaaa


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    giler senget benget, tu pun i buat cam besar gabak so tak lah kronik sgt kang nak jahit. if buat kecik2 kang lagi payah. actually ade magnet tu payah…tgh nk jaht magnet tu akn lekat kt mesin tu. sempat lah satu jarum patah! hahah


  2. uish, dahsyat2. aku jugak le yg dok tak reti kat cni. btw, mn u beli magnet tu?


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    i bought kt kedai craft where i beli the swatches. tp i rase if gi kedai hardware / DIY store sure ade. i nk gi cari gak sbb mase kt kedai craft tu its rm1 each. nk try tgk DIY cheaper tak


  3. wahhh munirah thats a good start! terrer nye syauqi. next time boleh mintah tolong dia jahit baju raya plak hehehe.


  4. so cuteee harith “mommy buwattt”..they look great..hmm you got time for everything,jealous ni:)yeap they are actually cute bila comot2 but my tia mia sibuk nak wipe mulut dia orang jugak:)


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    there’s one thing i wish i have the time for it..SLEEP, hihi
    i still wakes up average of 5 times in a nite…


  5. wahh rajinnya you. it’s pretty and looks good, sure the kids suka kan.

    what a fun way to teach them ABC


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    the best part is tat if diorang baling2 pun tak sakit if kena kepala


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