Last week, i did tweet that En Suami sgt sweet. So what was that about? He did bbq for me AND my friends. I buat bunyi sedih (tp mmg sedih pun), “kesian i mane ade dpt jumpe kawan i, u bleh lah gi mamak after badminton / futsal…dh lah dpt main sports, dpt lepak ngan kawan pulak tu. i ni dok umah jer” Well slalunye if ade bbq, we will invite both of our frens, so ended up i dont get to sit down with my friends much coz i’ll be busy nak replenish food, plates, drinks and such. so when i mentioned that it have been awhile since i jumpe my frens, he agreed to have bbq for us. He did everything! (oh chop, i marinate the ayam =)) he went out with uZAir, pagi2 to get the stuffs needed, ayam, lamb and barang2 to marinate. and oh, we also have macaroni goreng my style. Why do i call it my style? nope, bukan i yg masak,. syauQi cook the fried macaroni too, the way i like it =) Taste perfectly good for me.
Decided to have it pot luck so friends can come help add up the dining table. I was very happy that despite having it last minute, all could make it. They are my friends since skool days. 3 of them whom i already knew since primary and another 3 we knew later in secondary.
It was perfect night for me, only that some where stuck in jam so datang lambat skit. And best part is that, 2 of them have anak too. Previously, i je lah yg senget2 with kids. But now two of them have a daughter and son each. hArith was soo happy to have babies around.
We were busy chatting away, that i didn’t take much photos. But i really did enjoy myself. My dad sempat buat lawak when i told them nk buat bbq coz friends coming over, he asked me “wuish, your friends need to be fed baru nk come over to see u ?” haha
To En. Suami, thanks for taking care of the chicken all by urself, chicken was certainly juicy.It really means alot to me, having the chance to meet up with my friends. Dulu mase takde anak, we would meet up outside every now and then, but now with three kids, if we were to go out for dinner, i’ll ended up chasing after them instead of sitting down catching up with each other.Again, thanks a lot. i really needed that. Well, yes imagine that if you are on leave for a whole month, day n nite ur life revolve around with your kids, not being able to see your friends. In my case, it’s not just a month, but it has been a year or so since i last meet up with them.
All of us after 11 years we left the skool,

walla… so sweet 🙂
[Reply]’s nice kan dapat gather with friends once in a while. i pun dah lama tak gather2 with friends like this, takat jumpa kejap2 tu adalah.
glad u had fun munirah! 🙂
we’re blessed with wonderful husbands 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
February 17th, 2010 at 9:24 pm
alhamdulillah =)
yeah indeed. he’s so sweet. but the way he jerit kt u suruh buang segala jadah benda u dari mac dia..not sweet at all. hahahaha.
but it would be sweet kalau dia belikan u mac. ahaks!
sorrie soki masak bbq lagi, kali ni invite la bloggers plak. hehe. [muka tk malu nih] but i loveeeeeee lepakkkk lepakkkk di malam hari.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
February 18th, 2010 at 9:32 am
eh taklah..mane de die jerit. bising2 gitu2 je..ihihi
ha jom jom lepak lepak di mlm hari
wah.. bagusnya! 🙂
* sweet sangat gambar Harith n Athirah time entry Gajah tu.. and uzair.. Beraninya!!! 🙂
so sweet of him.. i thot being a stay at home mom you could always find time to meet your friends. Macam i siang keje malam jela nak main dgn anak so mmg dah lamaaa sgt x jumpa my friends. Maybe we should have a bbq session jugak :p
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
February 18th, 2010 at 12:12 pm
oh mmg impossible nk jumpe kawan. then again if keja from 8-5 tu dpt lah gak tgk different faces kn. cam i ni, ‘stuck’ with their antiques day n nite. cam katak dlm tempurung pun ade gak ni…haha
Oh, I heart the last picture! And sorry we were late but nevertheless it was nice meeting up with you gals 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
February 18th, 2010 at 2:42 pm
xpe, wats important is tat u made it =)
the chicken looks all yummy and juicy! hopefully ur hubby boley organize similar things every month 😉
love love love meeting up with my good frens 🙂 …. nex round kat my house ya…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
February 19th, 2010 at 11:39 pm
sure2, lets have one at ur place but err…
which hse? the one tat u wanna build ur family there? ;D
that was so sweet of ur hubby :)…bestnya dapat gather selalu camnikan..such a wonderful friendship
salam kenal,
lily lotus
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
February 20th, 2010 at 10:18 pm
yup, mmg bes bile dpt gather like tat, hopefully more of that again by the husband..hihi
salam kenal dear =)