Yes we went to the Hot Air Balloon fiesta but we were dissapointed to know there wasn’t any hot air balloon. Weather wasn’t good. Last year, we went on Friday morning, we saw the hot air ballon but it didnt take off coz apparently it is the DCA ruling, they can’t flew it before noon. So this year around we went in the evening, but weather was windy and about to rain,hence no hot air balloon =(
So this year lagi hampa, coz langsung tak nmpak hot air balloon, wanted to go the next day, tp cuaca ptg tu cam nk hujan jugak. However, I got what i wish for! hArith loves all kind of transportation. While nicely seated in his car seat, he will look out naming all the vehicle that passed him “fuel kanker” (fuel tanker) “cement micture” (cement mixer) “crane” tractor” “emily” “syakeel” “hugo” (he mentioned his school friend’s name according to the car their parents drove”. And once in a while he’ll be excited to see ambulance and police car but he hardly get to see fire engine.
I once told syauQi, can we like just crash into the fire station, ckp ngan bomba tu my anak nk tgk fire engine. syauQi said we will need letter of permission to do so. Kalau ikutkn mmg lah nk main gamble je masuk, takkan lah pakcik2 tu kang tak kesian tgk muka anak saya yg teruja tgk fire engine yg gedabak besar itu.
Lucky us, i need not tebalkn muka masuk balai bomba coz we saw a fire engine nicely park by the side. Showed to hArith and he was amazed to see it, insisted of going nearer. He didn’t expect it to be that big coz all this while he only see small sizes picture in the book . So muka die teruja sama cam die tgk gajah dulu. Unfortunately didnt capture his first reaction face towards the fire engine
Ni bukan saya pendek, Encik Bomba tu yg tinggi, 6 kaki lebih Encik tu
Cube u all close up look at athirAh’s attire. Did u notice that she’s wearing a swimming suit? Yup she insisted on wearing it sbb nk pegi swim. Tried to change her attire she refused, so i ended up putting a skirt on it so it doesnt look obvious.
Since there wasnt any hot air balloon we went nearer to the lake to see those wat u call it, ball floating in the lake where human can get into the ball, rase cam hamster lah pulak, lari2 dlm bola tu.
and my gal thought, we bringing her for a swim at the lake! had to hold on tight to her…

[New Post] Fiesta without Hot Air Balloon – via @twitoaster…
err.. mana uzair?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 26th, 2010 at 12:32 pm
tido dlm stroller, dh masuk keta nk balik br die bgn
abang bomba is huge lah !
did hariz mention ariana ? hehehhe
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 26th, 2010 at 3:25 pm
lately diorang gi sek lambat,930 baru smpai.tu blum sempat lagi nk kenal kereta ariana coz ariana would arrive first 😉
dear ..kalau u tak bagitau tew baju mandi sumpah ai pun takkan prasan …hahahhah tapi sweet per
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 26th, 2010 at 2:45 pm
hahah, byk kali dah kes die pakai swimming suit tu.main ptg kat luar pun die pakai swimming suit.kena ade pool kt umah kot…hahah
We went to the fiesta very early in the morning coz the balloons took off at 8 am n 5 pm. Tp faiq keciwe sikit coz tk dapat naik the balloon coz tiket dpt tgk the balloons pon dah happy.. Siap darth vader nyaris2 landing dlm tasik plak tu.. Hehe
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 26th, 2010 at 7:33 pm
tu lah saw in ur blog. last year mmg i pegi 3 kali yer, pagi jumaat, sabtu and ahad. all 3 morning.
tp this year around my kids bgn lmbat sbb mlm2 pe’el tido lewat coz takde botol susu nk pacify. so their bedtime jadi lewat mmg tak tersiap lah nk get all 3 ready to leave the house by 7
Timmy Reply:
March 26th, 2010 at 11:32 pm
nasib baik ade fire engine tu kan… at least ada something la besides the hot air balloon… maybe u kene keep them busy during day time la kot.. like faiq mmg takde botol susu dah malam2 nak tido but siang tu keep him busy with no nap.. then 8pm dah zzz… tapi mommy la pengsan sket sbb no nap kan…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 27th, 2010 at 11:58 am
part tu yg i paling confused, even without nap they tido as late as 1030! and during the day tu mmg senantiasa up to something…mane ntah their energy dtg i pun confused. i rase i pun need to drink their milk lah so i get as much energy as them, hihi
u tak plan hantar the kids for swimming class ker? if u tau kt mana ada swimming class for toddler inform me k..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 27th, 2010 at 11:59 am
mmg dr dulu nak anta, tp prob is husband i not all the time ade during the weekend. camane lah kang i nk bwk 3 budak. sbb sure they need satu adult each for every budak