Kamikaze Blast – TRIPLETS plus ONE

Kamikaze Blast

April 19, 2010

Guess what is this?

Need a lil hint?

Yup something to do with water, for our hot sunny weather. WE had so much fun in the garden yesterday. Mak pak budak pun skali naik syok, sanggup baju2 proper2 pun basah. Tak sempat nk masuk dalam tukar baju pun, jeles tgk budak2 syiok sgt…so nk lah jugak pekena seround dua.

Orait2, what am i talking about? You are supposed to guess aight




















I got my bro to do the demo for the kids coz at first i didn’t want to get myself wet.

hArith was soo excited that straight away giving it a try without changing his diaper.

It was funny to see when hArith had the idea that he should start running further for greater impact. Well, yes he got the idea right tapi his running speed remains the same so it makes no different actually went he reaches the thingy. In fact it make it worst coz by the time he reaches the zone dah cam tired…hihi. very cute though

psst, ade gaya cam bodygurad baywatch tak? hihi

athirAh refused to run like hArith, she was enjoying the water in the middle of it, where the water berkumpul. So we had to do the manual way to get her to slide down the Kamikaze Blast. Please note, not to copy this action of bapak “campak” anak if your kids have never been exposed to this kind of stunt ya.

after seeing the kids, i couldnt stop myself from giving it a try..hihi

Thank you pApa,

Yes, our Sunday was definitely a blast!

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  1. makcik!! ur gambar adalah terbaekkkkk….ichiro takleh main airrrrr…dia gi minum air tuuu..waaaaa


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    sesungguhnye athirAh ngan uZAir pun bergalon galon air diorang minum…ahahahha


  2. Sronoknya tgk diorg. trus rase nak slide jgk! 🙂


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    tu lah, i pun tak dpt tahan…sanggup tu basahkn baju, hihi


  3. wah seronok tuh… smpai maknye skali slide ye..
    kecik2 dulu suke gak main slide atas rumput kat laman lepas ujan. heheheh


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    tu lah dulu, asal hujan takde petir/guruh je sure mintaq permission nak main hujan. until now i dok tertunggu2 gak hujan yg takde petir n guruh so i bleh kasi lesen kt anak2 i main hujan smbil berlari2 sliding kt rumput tu


  4. bessssnyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! hehe u taknak jemput i main sekali ke hahahahha


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    jom jom, agak2 nk “campak” afif bleh tak…hihihi




    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    jom kite biar chempedak tegolek2 kt situ…hihi..
    oh i can imagine, bapak cempedak yg akn over nanti…haha


  6. ini tasneem konfem taknak balik kalau main slide camni.

    seriyes, nmpak best!
    munirah,tak de nak buat painting class lagi ke?


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    tu lah mmg nmpak bes, pastu bila tgk kids dok syiok sliding, mak budak pun tak tahan tgk…trus kena seround, hahah
    painting tu nak buat, tp skrang musim hujan. petang2 asyik hujan je..tu yg tak buat2 lagi painting tu.


  7. u adalah mak budak yg paling banyak koleksi game/aktiviti yg best dan menarik pernah i kenal. aku jeles nih sbb takde rumah rumput. kang basahkan lantai living room, kasi slide seround dua dgn faris kang.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    rumah kt tronoh ade rumput kan…ape lagi gi lah sliding atas rumput tu lepas abis hujan..hihi


  8. definitely looks like sooo much fun!! where did u guys bought this???
    mcm nak satu for US!!


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    syauQi bought from US, i bising gak asal tak beli lebih die kate sbb not sure of the quality bagus tak. kang if tak bagus rugi lak beli 2. so now we now it is good..next trip perhaps bleh beli extra…


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