It is supeerr fassstt! The usual download that normally would take 2 DAYS can now be done in 20 minutes!
You no longer need to wait for buffer to watch you tube, just click the play button and it will be as smooth as watching a tv programme.
Kenapa, tak caye? Need bahan bukti? Here’s my screenshot of the speedtest
surfing is soo much faster nowadays, once i finish typing the url, press enter and tadaaa the page will immediately appear.
Since i just got to know about Adamaya is an adaptation of Im not single movie, i just started to follow the story. I love the movie coz i like farid kamil’s acting, he is so spontaneous in the movie. I dont usually watch movie, i never like action pack movie sbb buat hati-bedebar-tak-pasal2-panic-takut-ape-akn-jadi, so i only watch “light” movie. Have i told u, since young i dont like watching tv. i dont watch cartoons when i was young, and i never bother about movie entertainment. I only know who is Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt when i was in form 4! Seriously!
Anyway, why am i jumping from UNIFI to Adamaya, coz i miss out the first 7 episodes! And thanks to UNIFI, all i have to do is click on and Cacth Up. Wahh laju giler. Tekan play, takyah tunggu buffer. Just like watching it on the tv. In fact even better, coz i can fwd bile iklan =)
I was bloghopping this morning, and saw azza’s entry on Adamaya, bak kata azza;
“Kalau citer ni ade zaman aku anak dara & single mingle dulu mesti aku idamkan lelaki macam ni. Pastu mesti berharap kisah hidup aku macam ni gak. Kene kawin paksa dengan lelaki handsome yang kaya, pastu si perempuan mengengade konon tak suke kat si suami dan si suami pulak beria-ia nak amek hati si isteri. Sebijik cam citer dalam buku bebudak remaja yang saja je nak buat budak-budak mude berangan-angan.
Tapi, hakikatnya ade ker lelaki macam tu weyhhh… gile caring & buat macam-macam nak menangi hati isteri even isteri dah ade boyfriend. Siap cool je lagi bile jumpe wife dgn boyfriend dia. Lepas tu buat ape saje la kerja-kerja rumah dengan rela hati.”
hihi, sure sume yg tgk feel the same way kan, haha. Jua i tau u tgk..sila mengaku u dok teringat balik zaman single mingle kan. Jgn nk cover2 ye..smpai mak suruh gi pasar pun taknk gerak buntut dr screen tv kan kan… hihi
Mase uni dulu i ade kawan (u know who u are), her kakak meninggal dunia and mak die senyap2 tunangkn die dgn tunang arwah kakak die. die tak tau pape, sedar2 balik kg cuti sem mak die kate die dh ditunangkn. Lagi sedih die mmg ade bf, bf die jiran umah sebelah je. bile tanye mak die asal mak die tunangkn walhal tau die dh ade bf, mak die jwb “bukan A tu tak baik orgnye, tp B terlalu baik tuk dilepaskn” wahh kalau korang, u all buat ape? Boyfren jiran umah sebelah jer, bercinta dr zaman sek, tup tup balik cuti sem mak gi tunangkn dgn org lain.
Cube teka ape jadi kat my fren…
p/s: I heart UNIFI!!!

ala………..cepatla sambung cerita u. i tak sabar nak tau weyhhhh.. ni la akibat penangan adamaya. i tak tgk lagi i am not single. should download secepat mungkin. (eh boleh ker donlod). kalau takde kene carik cd cetak rompak.. keke
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 22nd, 2010 at 5:17 pm
bes citer i am not single. aritu ade tunjuk kt astro.
i tunggu sorang dua teka dulu, ape2 agak2 diorang rase kesudahan citer kawan i..
u rase2 ape?
i rasa they now live happily ever after & bercintan2 lps kawen gitu & get pregnant oredi 🙂
hihi memandai2 aje i ni. (influenced by cite adamaya la ni) ;p
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 22nd, 2010 at 5:23 pm
mari kite tunggu org lain teka gak..hihi
arghh! Citer tergantung.. Pandai u buat saspen.. I teka dia kawen jugak dgn bf dia yg sebenar..
dia ngan BF dier still keep in touch but did marries mom’s chosen one but rasa akward coz hubby masih teringat arwah kakak & can’t help himself to compare her with arwah…so they seeked help, patched things up & now happily making familiies….ehem..
[New Post] UNIFI – via @twitoaster…
saya teka..tunang kakak adalah bf dia?
and both live happily ever after? penangan novel ni..
tak sabar nak tahu sambungan cerita..
dia kawin dgn tunang arwah kkk dia.
mula2 cm xmau, tp last2 hari2 mau. kan kan
oooo so shweet.
cmne nk dload UNIFI ni ek ?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 23rd, 2010 at 9:05 am
kena register kt tmnet suruh diorang pasang. tp monthly fees mahal skit rm200 lbh. tp worth paying sbb mmg dpt speed yg diorang promise
ish munirah… macam tengok drama bersiri plak story pasal ur fren tuh… tergantung half way… i pun tak sabar nak tau…
hmmm… i think dia redha je ikut pilihan mak dia… can’t imagine ya cam ne perasan bf sebelah rumah tu kalau dia ikut pilihan mak dia… isk isk isk… director munirah sila cont ya… lol
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 23rd, 2010 at 9:06 am
dulu kn ade kwn brother i mintaq idea tuk citer drama bersiri..i dh kasi citer ni tp mase tu citer ni takde ending lagi so takleh nk buat drama bersiri…hihi
ahaks…ada org terbatuk2….
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 23rd, 2010 at 9:05 am
nanti nk suruh org yg terbatuk2 smbung citer ni
saspen la munirahhhhhh. cepat habaq mai ending!!! x sabaq okay
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 23rd, 2010 at 11:55 am
hihi. i dah suruh tuan punye badan sambung citer. tapi die kate nk tgk dulu org teka ape. die tak puas lagi tgk few ppl je teka…haha
ahahaa.. saja je bikin saspen..
nilah penangan adamaya kan, baca cite azza pun brought me to see it hr tu.. ahaha.. tp mmg sweet.. i dh tgk sikit i am not single dulu tp i xingat i tgk bile..
notty…notty lah u ni. i naik syeh tgk si Adam tu ‘manes’ benor. Watak si Lisa dgn Adam tu memang best.
hahahha sila sambung cerita cepatt!!!
our UNIFI is coming to town! this tomorrow la. Mine a big hassle, coz they missed placing the box in front of our house, DH complain2 last2 kena complain till suruhanjaya multimedia baru la Telembab tu take action.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 23rd, 2010 at 7:32 pm
wat box is it? soon u wouldnt wanna leave the house, coz the intenet is soo super laju
DocHanim Reply:
April 23rd, 2010 at 8:04 pm
ooo dia ada box (tak obvious) in order for u to be able to connect to UNIFI. somehow they missed our house. that’s not all areas leh subscribe. but trust my telco hubby to get things sorted out.. dah lebih sebulan dia dok fight. nampak je senyap.. membebel masha Allah.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 23rd, 2010 at 8:43 pm
oh have no idea about the box, but im aware about not all places able to get the UNIFI access. aritu mase diroang pasang, jauh gak they tarik the from outside…few tiang away from my hse.
u have to get ready multiple plug…yg ade 4 sederet tu, err wat u call it ya, yg extension bleh cucuk for plug skaligus tu
about ur friend…
dia terpaksa la ikut cakap mak. tunang dia pun mula2 serba salah. BF sipi2 nak santau (ini drama swasta RTM). Tapi last2 ada someone sakit tenat….ex BF nyer mak, kawan u nyer parents, or tunang baru tu sendiri ada chronic disease….. *nangis nangis nangis*. Pastu buat wasiat suruh kawan ni kawin gak dgn tunang. Ex BF bertaubat… jadi ustaz and lari ke Mesir. So *Bollywood drama style* semua joget2 coz kawan yg cantik kawin dgn tunang yg hensem. Ex BF yg juga hensem jumpa ustazah comel ala-ala___ (sesapa la yg top msian actress now)
Sekian terima kasih.
p/s: oh kawan u berbahagia.. ada anak, and mommy blogger/twitter gaks. Haha!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 23rd, 2010 at 8:44 pm
wahh dasyat your imagination! =)
Lana Reply:
April 25th, 2010 at 7:01 am
Hahahaha hanim mmg dasyat ok imagination u, ever thot of making a film 1 day and change DOC hanim to Director Hanim? 😀
kalo story tu difilemkan sure best ala2 Ayat2 Cinta gitu…
Well, mula2 she redha with her parents decision…tp after sometimes taaruf (kenal2) with the tunang, she realized dats he compared her with her sister. she asked for putus tunang. parents get mad. nk balik to BF tp dats guy xnk coz he thinkin bout the gal’s parents feelings.
so she tots dia xkn kawen sampai bila2 coz sebaik2 laki like the BF dh xnk dia. BUT she was totally wrong! Allah knows best… after 4yrs, she gets married to a fren of her [yg dia xnk langsung, xde feeling, pernah reject…
tp tu dolu and now dia syg giler suami dia.suami yg terima segala kekurangan dia, yg sempurna dn tutup kekurangan tu, yg sentiasa mengalah n treats her like princess everyday…and now after 2yrs of marriage n she x yet gets pregnant due some health prob….tp really enjoys her journey of life….
AdaMaya ~ The End…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 24th, 2010 at 3:36 pm
haa tu die jawapan org dok tanye2