Few recent conversation with the kids:
athirah: mOmmy!
mommy: (didnt acknowledge coz was busy sending sms)
athirAh: mOmmy! mommy!
mommy: (still ignoring)
athirah: oh WAKE UP mOmmyyyy!!!!!!
*hahah, athirah reckon i was daydreaming…kikiki
hArith suddenly just realised the father ade bulu kaki
hArith: pApa, wats this?
papa: bulu kaki.
hArith: bulu kaki?
papa: yes, later when u grow up, men will have bulu kaki, go see Tuk Ki. Tuk Ki also have bulu kaki
and later hArith came back…
mOmmy: Tuk Ki got bulu kaki or not?
hArith: got π
mommy: pah?
hArith: no, pah got vagina only. gal got vagina.
mommy: a&(@!@(#*)!@#(
previously harith will associate any pink stuff with gal. he will say something like this “pink for gal, gal got vagina not penis” but yesterday he decided to cut his sentence short. ” pink for vagina” ( while pointing to a pink toy) <— mommy became speechless.
*those who wish to have USANA Nutrimeal for bulan ramadhan, postage is on me for the first week of Ramadhan! Hurry!!*

[New Post] Kids conversation – via #twitoaster http://blog.tripletsplusone.com/2010/08/…
hArith yang cute….funny la.golak-golak aunty baca.hehehehe.
hahahahaha! pink for vagina. kalau aunty pakai baju pink harith cakap camtu sure aunty pengsan! ekekekkekeke
haha.. comel jek.. π
hahahaha… comel laa harith.. complicated gak eh nak ajar diorang cakap… karang jadik lain plak.. hehe
hahhaaha.. pengsan..!
baca ni u terus i teringat cite because I said so.. the cute lil boy pun mcm harith..
u i nak order..!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 10th, 2010 at 6:00 pm
dah mcm2 die jwb skrang ni. ade je reasoning die figure out sendiri.
oh u nk nutrimeal? i can pos it to u bsok if u nak
i ni old school lah, mmg dah old pun ;D but i shy2 kalau anak i ckp gitu, ye lah budak2 kan mana tau yg dia cakap tu hmm mcm kena censored dats y i invent words sendiri bila nak sebut private parts, senang sikit lah bila dorang nak cerita dan didengari org lain. bila dah besar nanti dah tau tapis2 tau lah dorang the real word.
some words came fr them sendiri, example my son said penuh mak, mula wnder wat he talking abt, then he pointed to my bank susu ;D so fr then on, it’s known as penuh, evn my girl yg dah besar now kalau nak ngumpat org boleh ckp our code eg..ee penuhnya terkeluaring ;D.. just sharing my eperience π
so how u boleh puasa? my first few pregnancies pun banyak hutang puasa, time breastfeeding pun hutang lagi, tapi bila nak bayar oh so berat..later pregnancies, paksa puasa alternate days.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 11th, 2010 at 10:06 am
well, it all started mase my maid lah gi introduce to him as βnonetβ when my mom heard it my mom said to me that we should get him to say the proper word for it. since then my mom told him its penis. and after mandi and all he notice athirah punye lain, so it was more of a gender education, teaching them of different sex. tu sbb die link kan, gal and boy different. gal ade vagina while boy ade penis. i just feel that it is better than panggil k*nek or such. or some call it bird, i dont see reason to confused them with the word bird sbb bird should be the real binatang (burung) hmm..it is the proper word for it afterall. sbb kat skool diorang pun cam if nk gi toilet they dont use words like “shi shi” or “poo poo” they said, urinate and pass motion.
but of coz whenver harith said out loud bout penis n vagina, i will tell him not to say it loudly coz other ppl dh tau…takyah bgtau pun…
and yes hArith pun panggil mine as susu sbb tu source of uZair punye susu before this.
puasa? pagi ni i tried not tu piki pasal muntah, so i mkn dgn confidentnye, abis makan nk telan my supplement, everything came out =( that was like 5 minutes b4 imsak =( hope i can bertahan today
seronok kalu kids dah boleh cakap nih…leh buat rakan sembang n gaduh…..
dulu i ajar gak kids to differentiate between girl n boy. dulu i guna term karipap n bird…but skrg i pun dah intro dioarg with term vagina n penis. so skrg diaaorg dah biasa guna termm vagina n penis tuh….My hani siap cakap..nanti bb keluar ikut vagina mummy.
seronok baca ur twins pandai berkata2…my son sgt pelat especiallt the letter R!
selamat berpuasa do take care.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 17th, 2010 at 11:00 am
yg rajin becakap harith jer, die sorang yg suke borak2. tp die pun pelat R. ade one time tu my bro bwk gi masjid, i tanye die harith buat ape kt masjid, and he said harith “play” so i said, eh masjid mane bleh play, kena pray lah. and he insisted, yes hArith play!! again n again. then br i teringat oh anak i mmg sebut R bunyi L, so he meant that he pray lah tue, tp bunyi die pLay…hihi.
uzair still not talking, tau joget lagu wiggles je.
athirAh ckp whenever she feels like it.