Washable Paint in the Soal Jawab Montage – TRIPLETS plus ONE
My Lil Caliphs Activties | Where to buy it?

Washable Paint in the Soal Jawab Montage

September 30, 2010

Yes, after much dilemma of what to wear, searching high and low for a good maternity clothes, i finally found a solution; in my house itself. The day before the show, i hunt high and low for baju at mall but found none. This is the thing about being a housewife, just not bothered to spend on maternity baju coz i can just slip on husband’s tees whenever i go out. (coz i do need to get any working attire) Yup, that was what ive been doing in the previous pregnancy, settled with husband’s tees 😉

This time around i had to dress rather formal so my tees and husband is a No No. I usually fit in my tees up to 6 months preggie, and the 3rd trimester i’ll be sharing wardrobe with syauqi. Mom told me to wear kurung instead of potraying a profession look wearing a pant suits. I gave my sister’s baju a try and walllaaa i could fit hers. Problem solved! No money needed to get new attire.

So i settled with this baju

**did my intention to portrait myself as a young mother of 3 (soon 4) a success? hihi

and do u know that i never know how to put on make up except for foundation. I never know how to do eye liner, eye shadow and such (i dont even own a lipstick believe it or not!). The only time i had proper make up on my face was on my wedding day! So i did put on my foundation and told the man in-charge i need help for a lil touch up. The make up artist was generous enough to do more than just a lil touch up, and the result was this 😀

*syauQi takde so had to take self-potrait

Opps, main intention of writing this entry is to share bout the washable paint i used for my kids. When they told me they are coming to take some shots of my kids, i felt it wasnt appropriate to let them be in their diapers during the painting session (coz that’s the usual case whenever they do painting) So i hunt around for a washable finger painting (coz surely their tshirt will be painted as well ) and found it at the craft shop in One Utama. Cant remember the price though, RM29.90 per bottle if im not mistaken but they do sell it in smaller pack. But getting the big bottles were more value for money.

We struggled to tie athirAh’s hair, see how untidy it was. But i think it looks much better than untied

athirAh happily doing hand stamping

Kids getting more comfortable infront of the video,

and proudly showing off his hand full of paint

and uZair got the paint all over him, even on his forehead

and one of the final master pieace, cant remember whose though

Washed their white tshirt immediately after the session and the tshirt is white without any stain! However at the bottle it did state that you might not get rid of some stain, i think they have to write such before people sue them in case the stain does not go off. But mine was perfect white after washing it 🙂

And do u know there are lots of developmental benefits in finger painting session? Do google for it, u get endless list of its benefit 😀

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  1. Athirah cute gila bila ikat rambut.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    memerlukan 3 org tuk ikat rmbut die. sorang pegang tangan die, lagi sorang pegang muka and lagi sorang ikatkn. tu pun die begelut kiri kanan tu yg serabai gak bile ikat. tak dpt nk sikat dulu b4 ikat


  2. cantik nye u.. orang jarang make up, sekali kena touch up, waahhh… 🙂


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    kan bes if tak mekap pun muka dh flawless camtu..haha


  3. beb! mane perut u?? tak nampak macam pregnant pon ok..sob sob dah la terlepas nak nengok u kat tv malam tadi sebab tertido awal.

    agreed! athirah lebih comel with the tied hair!! lepas pon comel jugak 😀


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    ha u pun pekena dgn doa i, i doa org2 yg kenal i ngantuk and tido awal…hihi
    mane perut i? ade tu…cube tgk balik, 😉


  4. yes, usually i see u without any makeup on. bila tengok makeup rasa OMG! lawanya u munirah! heeeeeee…btw i like athirah hair when u let it free. tapi takut messy lak ek kena paint all nanti. thanks for sharing about this activity boleh try with my kid nanti. 😀



    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    rambut die skrang slalu masuk mulut pastu die dok sembur2 sbb rase tak selesa ade rmbut masuk mulut..abis air liur sume tempias…hahaha
    sbb nk paint to ikat the hair, if not serabai sgt.
    yup i hardly mekap..sekadar foundation je. tu pun bkn all the time. slalu nk kuar sarung tudung and trus zass kuar.
    how i wish im blessed with such flawless skin..takyah mekap pun ade muka licin,kan bes camtu..hihi


  5. I was just going to ask sapa wat ur make-up. cantik gila kay!!


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    org tv3 punye mekap artist
    he did that in cam 10 – 15 mins je.
    i tak biasa mekap bile letak eyeliner tu dh nk berair mata i…haha. dok tahan from berair takut kat rosak the mekap


  6. You without makeup pun cantik la Munirah. So sweet.

    And Athirah with the ponytail, bertambah ke-cute-an die….My doter also tak nak ikat rambut, nor sepit rambut, and I cut her hair – bob short.

    How I wish I can tie her hair like Athirah’s hair.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    thanks dear, but how i wish to have flawless skin. hihi
    if only we can cut her hair mmg kami dh trim tp ni nk sikat rmbut pun kena bersilat dgn die


  7. darl, i have an idea for your kids in charge program. apa kata u buat shirts or shoes painting. beli any plain colour shirts or shoes,pastu paint. it’s great for occasions like mother’s day etc… or d kids boleh buat tuk pakai sendiri. d paint ada jual kat any stationary shop, brand PELIKAN.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    yup have that in mind dear…tp mase 1st trimester aritu tak larat. now thinking of getting back into the programme 😀
    the paint mmg for tshirt ye? aritu nmpak kt craft shop tak tau sure brand ape. takut kang kids paint kt baju yg tgh pakai lak…confirm tak leh basuh hilangkn


  8. munirah i bukak tonton now x de dah ek? which link ek? im so ketinggalan sorry. wanna see u plz share the link if it’s still available. tq dear 🙂


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    i rase tv2 dah revamp their website. try going to the main website http://www.tv3.com.my and from there cari link of the show


  9. hey where’s ur tummy? dont look preggie at all! i tot only i dono hw to makeup. u look good. miss the show cos i cnt get tv3 fr my home, no cable.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    well now u know…ade gak org lain yg tak reti mekap…seryesly im clueless in mekap. mayb jugak most of my childhood friend pun not into it..tu yg takde guideline how to do it.
    then again, look at the bright side…we save alot there. sbb mekap stuff aint cheap if nk kena beli every now and then, kan


  10. hanim….mu chantek a….namapun MUNIRAH JELITA HANIM kn? but without make up,mmg TAK la! hehe… oppps…nnt fans mu marah plak…
    remembered u on ur weddin’ day…lawa…dat time i sampai nk nanges hokey!

    athirah tomey la bila ikat rambut…


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    wah boleh ek,tgk i cantek sgt smpai nak nangis? hihi

    kami tgh nk train athirAh biar boleh ikat rmbut sbb dec ni abg i kawen…kang serabai je rmbut. so now every now and then paksa gak ikat rmbut.


  11. munirah, shantekkks! i sampai minum nescafe ok nak make sure tak terlepas tgk show tu hihihi 😀 good job done. boleh tak i rasa chairman tu macam berat sebelah? asik2 nak tanya azadi tu huhu ;p


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    blog die lagi sensasi tu lagi syiok host nk tanye di soalan 😉


  12. which shop kat 1utama munirah beli washable paint tu? Thinking of buying for my son too


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    its the scrapbook shop, name craft heaven if im not mistakan. its in between the two building (new wing n old wing) few doors away frm the baby shop bebe house and opposite the FOS shop, on the 2nd floor


  13. painting tu macam best je…will try someday with my kids..
    surely la budak2 suka kan..thanks munirah..
    psstt..nampak berseri2 la..


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    yup kids will surely love to do painting, but be prepared to clear the mess they make..hihi


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