
October 29, 2010

If you notice, i often write on hArith’s conversation but nothing much on athirah’s. The reason: athirAh doesnt talk much until recently…her fav word is “mane” . Sume mende tanye “mane this…that..” mcm2 lah soalan mane die

hArith been asking all sorts of question and wont stop until he gets the specific answer he wants to hear. If he is not satisfied with the answer, he will keep on asking “kenapa”

I can foresee after this not only i get physically tired looking after them but also mentally tired, answering to their 1001 question. Wish me luck.

Found this photo of my gal while clearing up the hard disk

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  1. Athirah nie so pretty la, like the Mommy…I like her hair a lot. Very curly.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    athirah; “thanks auntie :D”
    like the mommy? oh nooo someone is blushing here….hihihi
    tp rimas lah she tak kasi comb her hair, nmpak so unruly curly.
    and oh, she didnt take after my hair, harith yg take over my hair…hihi


  2. She looks a lot like u in this pic


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    oh really? she looks very much like my brother actually… especially mase kecik time tgh botak takde rmbut. mmg cam fotostat muke bro i


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