By now, im sure msot of you know uZair’s hairstyle…dahi luas, rambut depan takde. tp rmbut belakang panjat bleh ikat tokcang pokok kelapa. Well i guess its rather genetic kot coz my hair was exaactly like that when i was his age, and ade my siblings yg camtu gak, rmbut depan takde.
When my sister was a baby, we had a local maid dari kedah. Die rajin sapu santan on my sister’s hair. But i was already in my primary mase tu, so letak santan pun cam takde effect sgt kot. Oh chop, by then of coz lah i already have my hair depan but my hair tak lebat. With the frequent santan sapu on my sis’s kepala, her hair now is soo lebat. more than triple my hair kot.
So i decided to sapu santan on uZair’s hair too…especially yg depan rmbut skit sgt tu….he loves it. he had no problem me sapu the santan on his head. Wanted to to on athirAh too but the minute she saw me wanting to touch her hair, trus lintang pukang cabut lari. Yes, nobody is allowed to touch her hair. As i mentioned before, if we get to comb her hair after shower, we are considered lucky! wanna put on hers too sbb syauQi kate rambut die jarang (like mine i guess, tak lebat)..but she refused to allow me to do so.
Here’s uZAir, selamba je muka bile i letak the santan, busy occupied watching Wiggles (youtube) on my phone. He can bukak youtube apps by himself and scroll for his fav youtube song, if tak suke bleh kuar balik frm the list and cari lagu lain from the list. (if i tak jawab any of your calls or sms, that means the phone is with uZAir and he simply reject any calls that get into his way from watching wiggles and sms pun selamba tekan “close”)
budak ni pulak, rambut dah sangat lebat and cepat panjang tapi nk jugak letak santan on him
so i put a lil bit on his kepala to satisfy him. sume org dh bising he need a haircut but he refused to have one. how now?
*oh by the way, i know that santan lebat kan rambut. does it also helps to make your rambut bertambah2 hitam?

[New Post] Santan, lebatkan rambut? – via #twitoaster…
timmysuhaimi Reply:
October 13th, 2010 at 8:18 am
@munirahpunye Santan or minyak kelapa. Both work the same way. Cume minyak kelapa busuk la.
hi dear,memang santan boleh lebatkan rambut.kami adek beradek suma rambut hitam n mom letak santan since we’re small 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 13th, 2010 at 8:18 am
yup bab lebatkn rambut tu i tau tp yg hitam kn rambut tu. for now rambtu athirAh a lil brownish, cam bes lak rmbut die brownish…so nanti if i letak santan hilang lah brownish die eh?
yup, i guess so, santan mmg leh menghitamkan rambut… wktu kt uk, ada 1 homemade brand brand nih, nama dia LUSH… kat situ mmg ada jual santan + limau kut utk rambut…. i pakai memula sbb rambut gugur…. kira ganti conditioner laaaa….. i x perasan pun perubahan apa-apa… pasal lebat, rambut i mmg dah lebat pun…. tapi bila balik malaysia cuti waktu tue, my girlfrens n family semua macam tegur rambut i hitam n berkilat….
tapi bila dah kat msia skrg, mmg x rajin laaa kan nak buat sendiri hehehhehehe!!!!!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 13th, 2010 at 11:25 am
alah baru nk berangan athirah rmbut ala ala mat salleh, brownish..if bejaya letak santan kat die, jadi hitam berkilat lah ye
tanya skit.. petua ni bleh guna tuk orang dewasa tak hehehehe
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 13th, 2010 at 11:48 am
i tak sure, tp tu ade commentor “Faz” kate die buat dulu and others saw the difference, so boleh lah kot. no harm trying. tp kena rajin letak..baru berkesan
my tok ckp..kalau rajin letak santan nnt rambut lambat mom dulu suruh i campur jus limau nipis dgn putih tulis for natural hair
hehheheheh…. nak kata rajin letak tu tak laaa…. tapi kiranya, kalu shampu rambut, so, santan LUSH tu macam conditioner laaa…. lumur kat rambut, biar kejap sambil sabun badan, bila dah tu, bilas…. kira seminggu, cuci rambut dlm 3-4 kali, maka 3-4 kali laaa amalkan…. tapi nie dah takder santan LUSH, harapan laaa kan…. i noticed rambut pun macam kusam skek laaa…. x shining2 lagi…. hehehhe!!! waaahhh!!!! dah macam petua nenek-nenek…. hehehhehe!!!!
selamat mencuba dan selamat beramal…. hahahhaha!!!!
I read in another blog about women in certain parts of China who use air basuhan beras to make their hair very black even when they are old…..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 14th, 2010 at 5:05 pm
oh i only knew air beras they used for muka, baru tau ade gune for hair gak
kalau pakai santai kotak agak2 bleh x..hehehe
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 19th, 2010 at 9:12 am
bleh kot as long the santan pekat..but maybe not as “power” as the real santan..hihi