Sample up for grab – TRIPLETS plus ONE

Sample up for grab

February 24, 2011

So have u navigate to the right answer for the video clip in the previous post?

Yup that’s one of the example of Connected Tots. in fact if you go to their microsite :  , u can gain lotsa additional information on the explanation of how the brain cells connections, and most importantly the guidance for us mom to do our parts; how to stimulate these brain cells connection. Im sure u wouldnt want those billions brain cells our kids have to be wasted.

My kids surely love the website coz they have the stimulating games for them and even story reading material. Yup a green light for them to touch mOmmy’s laptop. Besides stimulating their brain, it’s a social bonding time for u n ur kids 😉 After doing dressing up game on the laptop…athirAh went on to dress up her dolls with her own clothing…typical gals i guess. hihi

*excuse the poor lighting of the photos,it is early in the morning,hArith keeping himself occupied with the game while i prepare him breakfast

Oh i’ve been wanting to do a post on how hArith’s would choose his own attire each time after showe. However whenever i wanna take photos of the involved attire, its either in the laundry or hArith is  wearing it. hArith has this thing where everything must matches well, even his underwear must be of the same coordinating colour with his pants / tshirt. If it’s not due to the colours, it will be something to coordinate with the theme of his clothing.Yup he is one particular boy.

Do head over to the site: for more info of “connect the tots” and yes you can even request for sample of milk that consists Gangliosides; Anmum Essential 😉

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