Well i think tripletsplusone.com’s event can be synonym with last minute. Every time we wish to have an event we can only set the date last minute coz we have to wait for the 3 rosters to be out to ensure all the orang udara be on ground on the same date. And this ain’t easy! Just like the previous aqiqah and birthday parties, we had problem in fixing the date. This time around on the dates i can get all the men to be around, caterer lak not available. Alhamdulillah managed to get a date and i had one week to prepare. I was still in my confinement thus i cant go out to get the things i wanted. I list down the stuff i want and on the day i gain my freedom, off i go. Went to ikea with all 4 with my mom. Then cuci gambar for my centrepieces.
Wanted to cari baju for uWais but mission not accomplish for that. Yup that’s the thing of being the 4th child, uWais wears all the hand-me-down baju…we didnt buy anything for him, not a single baju since the brother’s baju still in good condition. Balik i was searching high and low for uzair’s baju aqiqah but couldnt locate it. And on the aqiqah day itself, at about 11pm, my sis went out to cari new baju at BSC, fuuhh mujur ade. I wanted something white.
Anyway, the event acually started at about 10pm, we had bout 10 tahfiz came over to read the Quran and khatam it. They arrived a lil late thus my dad, bro, syauQi and another dad’s friend started reading first…managed to complete 9 juzu’ before the tahfiz came. Once the tahfiz arrived, they divided the juzu’ and khatam it. After that ade a marhaban siap kompang bagai, hArith was the happiest boy ever!
each were assign the juzu’ to read, syauQi chop juzu’ 30 tu die relax dah habis dulu..hihi
Mom invited her guest at 1230, so mase marhaban tu guests started coming already
hArith well behaved, syiok dgr marhaban with kompang
After settle marhaban…laju sume org gi ke food. We had lamb mandey from Wadi Hadramaut (Jalan Ampang). Previous aqiqah we had lamb mandey from Alrawsya tapi their timing tu cam tak punctual sgt…thus we opted for Wadi Hadramaut lak this time
Besides lamb mandey, we had nasi putih with lauk; daging salai masak lemak, kerabu mangga, ulam sambal belacan, ayam goreng berempah, sayur campur, kari munggai and also mee rebus. I was a lil dissapointed with the caterer..they tak efficient bab top up food. At the end of the day we had seperiuk besar of daging salai and lauk lain pun byk lagi. . Lamb mandey 2 ekor habis begitu laju my frens yg dtg 2 onwards byk yg tak dapat makan. But alhamdulillah most of the guests said food were good.
Oh i also managed to get Pakcik Daud the Apam Balik yg slalu jual kt depan Pasaraya Taman Tun to come over
He was around till 430 and did a total of 600 apam balik! Besides that we have ABC and kuih muih, cake and fruits
Since i didnt have much time to prepare for this aqiqah, i decided to decorate just the dessert table
I tweeted to ask around where can i get the white branches, didnt have much time to go around and cari…tweeter friend suggested to take any branches and spray paint it. I wasnt sure if i had the time to scout around for it..but alhamdulillah it wasnt that difficult. I send the kids to school with my mom (confinement over), i told my mom…im on the look for branches, so i’ll say stop the minute i locate it. Managed to get what i wanted with a lil problem getting it into the car…patah kn into smaller branches and bejaya sumbat masuk kereta. I hang few sugar cookies on the branches.
I even had a write up on Uwais Al-Qarnee, in which Uwais was named after. I had lotsa people gave me a puzzled look when i said my newborn’s name is Ahmad Uwais and i foresee that i’ll be getting more of the puzzled face during the aqiqah, hence the write up
Thanks to my friend, Syed Adam who happened to have a write up on Uwais AlQarnee in his blog, thus i conveniently adopted it from his blog with some additional i took hasil dari google. Here’s the write up that we placed on the dessert table
May Ahmad Uwais be as great as Uwais Al-Qarnee insyaAllah. 🙂
On Saturday, hArith n i bake some cookies for the dessert table,
The cookies laku, and the youngest fan of the cookies is this lil darl; Kazim
We had 2 choc cake, one of it with edible picture of Uwais, tp cam ramai x smpai hati cut it until i did the first cut..br lah org start mkn.
and people tak smpai hati nk makan the face, it was left untouched
Alhamdulillah we also have enough air zam zam to serve the guests
It was a big crowd I shall say, terharu tgk sedara mara yg dtg full force, slalu the parents je dtg, but this time around byk yg dtg dgn anak2. My ex-rector UIA, Prof Kamal Hassan pun dtg..felt soo honored. My brother’s in-laws also came despite their tight schedule.
and my aunt buat suprised dtg all the way dr pontian, johor. Mmg firasat dh agak aunt akn surprised me…hihi. im close with her..semenjang gayut tepon with her
oh boleh pulak kawan syauQi came n i happened to be besides syauQi when he arrived. He was a lil shocked to see me dukung Uwais, he thought we buat belated aqiqah for Uzair. he had no idea ade newborn although cam almost every week syauqi jumpe die
hArith was the happiest boy ever! die jadi “disorientated” tak tau nk main ngan sape. Coz usually its either anak2 blogger, cousins or my skoolmates punye anak. But this time around sume ade at the same time…die cam tak keruan tak tau nk main ngan sape…hihi.
And yes, the best part is of coz i get to see my tweeter frens. Thanks for coming!! sorry ade yg tak dapat makan kambing. Tu lah patut dpt kembar two boys kan..confirm cukup kambing since kena sembelih 4 ekor…haha
Didnt take any photo with them, sbb by them camera dah kt mane tah. Ni photos i amiq from their blog;
*photos credit to @anitaazizan
and here’s a group photo, credit to @nannoor
Thanks darl for coming over, sorry for any shortcomings..a lil crowded and such. It was nice to see all of u…though tak dpt duduk borak sgt but seriously having u gals around in twitter world helps to keep my sanity. Yes i need to vent out somewhere to keep my sanity and the twitter world sure come in handy.
My highschool friends pun datang but sadly didnt get to take any photos with them. Kawan syauQi pun boleh tahan ramai yg datang.
Nway, i told the guests…after this they wont be coming for my anak’s aqiqah anymore, but my bro’s anak pulak…insyaAllah. and one of the guest asked me back…”are u sure u can keep to your words?” hahaha. Yup its time to decide on…errr, iucd, implanon,jab?
Oh tadi uWais was behaving well..and u know how angelic babies’ face when they behave so well..so i said to syauQi “u, cube tgk uWais, cute kan?” when he replied yes..i asked him “taknak lagi satu cute mcm ni ker?” hahahah. He looked at me and asked “girl pulak?” wakakak. Oh kay, iucd, implanon, jab??
** the other day syauQi mentioned bout aqiqah to his non-muslim friend, he then asked “aqiqah tu ape? short form for akad nikah ker? hihi…. i find that creative.

sgt menarik aqiqah ni.kuih,cookies + cake tu u buat sendr ke??
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 10th, 2011 at 4:31 pm
yg choc chip cookies je buat sendiri…tu hArith buat with me 🙂
Waaa…sgt menarik aqiqah Uwais ni.. :p
Meriahnye Aqiqah Uwais…. Sangat kreatif mommynyer… 🙂
Slalu verangan nak wat majlis yg best… Tp risau terlebih budget… haishhh….
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 10th, 2011 at 4:27 pm
alhamdulillah byk sedara mara yg sudi dtg meriahkan majlis aqiqah ni 🙂
tu lah if ikutkn dlm kepala mcm2 nk buat deco bagai, btu like u said kang ade yg telebih budget
baca ur blog ni makes me missed apam balik… 🙁
looks fun and really well organised..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 10th, 2011 at 7:57 pm
alamak susah tu, if my dad bwk apm balik ke sane..by then sampai sane tak tau ape rupe jadinye…
alhamdulillah everything went well…tp time peak hours seats tak cukup…
munirah u done a gud job and the event really well organize, the foods n dessert sedap! me n family really hv gud time… n thanks for invitation 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 11th, 2011 at 9:14 am
thanks for coming, sorry susah kn u kena pick up and bawak the fruit tart.
u were among the early one, tu sempat makan kambing kan 🙂
cant wait for ur kids’ bday pulak..ur event food slalu marveles!
dear,great job! love it! planning aisy cukur jambul skang nie! but still in my confinement lagi! huhu! u tkcr!
hi dear..
just one word…WOW!! you truly are an amazing supermommy…to be able to manage this kind of kenduri so successfully, and just right after confinement with four kids…i salute u la 🙂
oh, btw, did u happen to have the “berendoi” (buai) ceremony? if you do, share a picture of your buai, will you? thanks 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 11th, 2011 at 10:56 am
well doing all this help to keep my sanity actually, doing something else besides handling the four kids.
no dear, we didnt have the berendoi ceremony..my dad is against cultures ceremony…hihi. cam mase i kahwin pun we didnt have any pelamin merenjis and all. dad suruh buat ikut hukum and put aside all the cultures..hihi
instead we had tahfiz came over to khatam the Quran, they divided the juzu’ among them (syauqi, dad n my bro join them) to complete it that morning. After that ade selawat marhaban, we had a swing / bouncer tot nak letak uwais situ biar die dgr org selawat but he refused to sit there, so syauQi carried him mase tu
i was searching for party favors when i stumbled across your blog.. i love your party table!!
i was wondering where did you get the white pom-pom (betul ke?)and also the coloured glass bottles. i plan to give away air zam-zam as favors.
really appreciate it if you could help me. thanks!!