When i was told there’s a memo regarding their 2nd term excursion in the communication book, i think i became more excited than the kids…hihi.
I wasn’t able to follow them during their 1st excursion as i was in my confinement. So this time around, i became kaypochi and tag along 😀
I became even more excited when i read the memo:
“Alhamdulilllah, we are please to inform you that in line with this term’s topic on Geography: “Allah Created our Beautiful Earth”, InsyaAllah, your child will be visiting the FRIM (Forest Research Institute of Malaysia) Forest Reserve in Kepong. As part of your child’s Geography curriculum, he/she will learn about various land and water forms, such as hills, jungle, river, lake etc. InsyaAllah, at this Forest Reserve, they will be able to see some of these land and water forms. Let’s pray for a clear sunny day, InsyaAllah! “
Been wanting to bring the kids to the waterfall but never had the chance to do so, thus this excursion was just ideal ..so i can cross out “waterfall” from the Thing-To-Do-With-The-Kids’ Â list. The kids didnt know i was tagging along…if they knew surely they will refuse to ride with their friends. Went separately n met them there. As much as i suspected, Â athirAh didnt really follow the instructions upon seeing, bile suruh line up, kabut nk dtg to me.
A group photo of the kids,
another one with the teachers,
The kids were devided into 2 groups, while one group went up to the waterfall, the other group had their snack and went for a walk and observe the surrounding, the nature.
while having their snack,
Ni tgh tgk ikan from the bridge, n looking at the  water form
walking around the surrounding
learning on fern,
touched and feel the rocks,
tgk lah anak Ahmad Syauqi tu…suruh duduk amiq gmbr, tp sorang ke kiri, sorang ke kanan…
hArith queueing up, getting ready to head to the waterfall once the first group came back,
will let the photos do the talking…kids really had a good time in the water,
athirAh, singing “row row your boat…”
and the last pic in the water before heading home…kids waving their hands saying “Itqan”
Kids went home with me, in the car athirAh kepenatan tido. hArith dah tuntut nak go there again. syauQi seems to agree but adoii semput lah nak dukung uZair up to the waterfall, we are very sure he will refuse to walk…
InsyaAllah, we will come here again 🙂
And looking forward for their next Itqan school excursion in July and October, insyaAllah.