And yet another long hiatus from me. Not only i hardly have time to update this blog, but i hardly have the time to click on the shutters too. Sadly not much Raya photo were taken, no candid shots at all. Uwais clings to me almost all the time, leaving me lil or no chance at all to pick up the camera to take shots of the day.
Our raya arrangement is just like previous years. Alhamdulillah syauQi had off days on Raya. While the rest went for the Eid Prayers, i get the kids ready, had our Eid breakfast and off to my aunt house in PJ, just a quick pit stop then off to my in-laws in Kota Damansara. We spend our day there and left just before Maghrib.
Mom dah bukak her cast few days before raya but still need the walking frame to walk about, so on Raya day she decided to be on the wheelchair senang nak move about.
It wasnt easy to get a perfect family photos. Thus here are among the attempts we did. We couldnt get rid of the balang kuih from athirAh. It was either athirah and the balang or no athirah.
father-in-law came to join in, tgk2 athirah lesap hilang,
and sis-in-law’s attempt at bringing athirAh back into the picture
(saying out loud Selamat Hari Raya)
notice one thing? Uwais remain in the same pose through out all the photos 😀
I didnt manage to convince athirAh purple is the new pink, thus ended up buying her that kurung which has some flowers in purple. That was the best i could get as she wanted all pink.
Next entry will be on our last minute plan to Penang for social (family) obligation