Yes, im really bad at getting this blog of mine updated on a frequent basis. Masa mencemburi saya, hahahaha. Nway, here’s an entry of the elder 2 Ihtifal. I didnt manage to get much photos though. Harith and Athirah sang different song, and when they were up on the stage, both of them were on the other ends. I couldnt run from one end to another coz i’ll be running pass all the other parents yg nk amiq gmbar pulak kang. Hence very limited photos of them.
Managed to go behind the stage to snap one, two photos. Harith became a brown chicken while athirah dressed as working people. I wonder did athirah know y she was on the stage, as usual, she is in her world…diri tegak looking at others, wondering y lah sume parents beria amiq gmbar.
all the chickens at the backstage
athirah at backstage, clueless y teacher arranging them, tp bagus duduk ikut instruction..skit pun tak restless. y lah u cannot sit still like that when i asked u dear athirah?
And performance time….
ha tgk lah hArith, conquer microphone
after the performance, i asked hArith “harith, y didnt u face infront?” he replied “because mommy asked me to sing loudly, so harith sing lah to the mic, x payah jerit, tp suara jd loud” haha
n ni athirah, “buat cantek”…skit pun die x nyanyi. diri je
The concert marks the end of elder 2 playgroup. Next year masuk K1