Been wanting to share with all of you the experience im going through with my son uZAir. But each time i decide to sit down, i ended up lost of words on how to compose it. May i warn u, this will be a very “wordy” entry. will try to put photos (irrelevant) in between so u wont feel like as though u are reading a thesis…haha
Uzair is already 3 years and 4 months but has not started talking. I mention about his and our frustration in this entry. Anyway, each time i raise the issue of uzair’s delay in speech, i kept getting assurance from others ” biasa lah tu, some ppl start talking later” “ala, nanti once dah cakap, sure ckp tak benti” ” X and Y start cakap when he was 4, dont worry” . but my maternal instinct told me the other way. I was worried sick but kept it to myself n make lots of dua’ to Allah.
Beside delay in speech, he doesnt really mix with others. He likes to take two things and start knocking it together, it can go on for hours. ย I was worried of autism back then but alhamdulillah he has eye contact whenever we interact with him. but i wouldnt want to be too confident and rule it out by myself without professional help. Thus i made an appointment to see developmental pediatrician. It was back in June when i called up for appointment, unfortunately there isnt much developmental pediatrician here in Malaysia, the only slot we manage to get was end october. So for those who suspect your kid with anydevelopmental issues, i suggest you call in for appointment, and if along the way, u manage to tackle the issue, u can always call to cancel the appointment. Doctor Rajini is from Sunway Medical but she is at the Baby Beyond Clinic in Bangsar Village II every monday. We got our appointment in Bangsar Village 2.
Besides the speech delay,we didnt realise other issues that should have been a concernbecause our elder 2 were premature, so we couldnt compare their development progress. now that we have uWais, we can see things that uzair didnt do when he was younger. He was lack in imitation. If we sing and do action and all, he didnt imitate ย much (tapi if programme Wiggles tu, reti pulak nk imitate). he wasnt interested in toys (not much curiosity), you can bring him into Toys R Us, he will just look and show no interest at all in any of the toys. The toys we have at home pun tak hairan. Uwais yg baru 10 bulan ni pun dah reti nk main toys n rampas toys dari elder 2.
I did ask the speech therapy (uzair started going for speech therapy since May) at what point i should already be concern and brought him for speech therapy (after realizing we should have seen speech therapy earlier too). According to her, if uzair has imitation, role play and other interaction, then boleh lah if nk tunggu skit lg, coz ni jatuh under category soon-he-will-start-talking, tp since uZair dah takde sume tu, then it means mmg ade issues that need to be address. So my advice, if your anak have these signs i mentioned, or another thing is if he tends to pull himself away from crowd, avoidance and such… it is a concern. Should seek professional help. Get the appointment and while waiting for 3 – 4 months for your slots, if he out grow from the issues, you can cancel the appointment. Coz if u say takpe lets give it another 2 3 bulan camane, ha by then nk buat appointment…jenuh nak menuggu another 4 5 months
Anyway, he is attending speech therapy ย at Hartamas. I was given number for speech therapy centre called Speech Help in PJ but they were full and they gave me the lady in Hartamas. Im very happy with her, and best part is, she rent a house and turn it into a centre, thus parking is not an issue. boleh park depan her house. Her fees is RM120 for an hour session. We attend once a week. Since we started with the speech therapy, we can see uzair’s improvement in terms of his interaction. Previously he wouldnt even acknowledge presence of guests in the house. at least now if my aunts datang, he will approach the guest and showed some gesture. And whenever we go to my inlaws die dah reti lah nak “bertepuk tampar” with the others. In fact although i stay with my parents, previously uzair does not has much (almost to nil) interaction with my parents, nama je duduk sebumbung. n now dah boleh miggle around with the other siblings too, harith n athirah gelak, die pun join gelak.
Anyway the developmental pediatrician diagnose uzair as Sensory Processing Disorder. “Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD, formerly known as “sensory integration dysfunction”) is a condition that exists when sensory signalsย don’t get organized into appropriate responses. Pioneering occupational therapist and neuroscientist A. Jean Ayres, PhD, likened SPD to a neurological “traffic jam” that prevents certain parts of the brain from receiving the information needed to interpret sensory information correctly” . ” We receive and perceive sensory input through sights, sounds, touch, tastes, smells and movements, Difficulty taking in or interpreting this input can lead to devastating consequences” And this explains uzair’s speech delay.
Doctor suggested for Occupational Therapy for uzair. We have started going for the therapy and he loves it. He is getting all the sensory sensation that he needs. The centre is full of padded mat, bean bags in which he can simply crash himself anywhere and fulfill his sensation seeking. Result in occupational therapy questionnaire showed that uzair obtained scores that indicate typical performance on auditory visual processing, vestibular and oral sensory processing BUT definite difference (more than others) on touch and multisensory processing. Some people their touch and multiprocessing is less than others, tu sbb some kids if pegang pasir pun can be painful, they also avoid glue or muds, or can be very sensitive to sound, get irrirates easily with loud sounds. But uzair on the other hand, he is seeking more than others. if nak sapu die, jgn lah sapu lemah lembut, mmg tak feel langsung for him. “One person with SPD may over-respond to sensation and find clothing, physical contact, light, sound, food, or other sensory input to be unbearable. Another might under-respond and show little or no reaction to stimulation, even pain or extreme hot and cold”. Uzair falls in the category under-respond. We were told that uzair becomes frustrated or upset easily due to confusing information from the sensory system. In some cases, the child’s nervous system is not interpreting the input in a helpful way, leading to the child’s sense of disruption with what is going on around him.
So kesimpulannye die bukan lah sesuka hati nak throw tantrum, perhaps thats the reason why my maternal instinct stops me from pinching or spanking him whenever he misbehave. i always believe he throw tantrums because he is frustrated not able deliever to us what he wants…bukan sesuka hati nak tantrums. But of coz my sister thinks the other way round, she thinks im being bias , pilih kasih…kan hanah, kan? ๐ . For now, he also attends Occupational Therapy once a week, it is RM 100 for an hour session. So for the Speech and Occupational Therapy for uzair monthly is RM880… maka dgn itu jgn lah berangan nak gi Johor Premium Outlet :P. Xpe, org kate bumi Allah ni luas, insyaAllah rezeki ade merata2 ๐
Anyway, pics above were during our trip to FRIM waterfall. Look at elder 2, they can be very sweet at times. Harith feeding athirah,

Hi dear,its been quite a long time tak “bumped” into u online.its really interesting to read this entry.lots of new things baru tau.insyaallah litle uzair will be great after the treatment kay. Really salute you from a mummy to another mummy.take care dear,
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 18th, 2011 at 8:50 am
mmg hardly ngadap laptop now. when elder 2 pg skool, i spend time with younger 2 especially uzair. now cuti sekolah, lagi takde masa,all kids at home. harith siap merayu suruh anta gi skool, die boring. have to come up with different activities for them. if uzair start tantrum sbb org tak paham ape die nk lagi haru. btu most of the time we tau ape die nak tp things he is not suppose to do (i.e mintaq milo nk ratah serbuk) mmg lah tak kasi kan, then amuk when we take n hide away the milo tupperware.
Dear Munirah, moga uzair baik2 saja dan will get better after treatments tu. Byk perkara kena observe kan anak-anak kecil ni. Mcm saya, sebab khadijah dulu lahir prem kan, so byk kena observe tp kalau anak full term pun sepatutnya kita ambil berat juga. Yes, always trust our maternal instinct kan..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 19th, 2011 at 10:08 am
tu lah sbb my elder two pun prem so we takleh nk compare development progress uzair dgn the elder 2 sbb sah sah elder 2 punye development progress lain kan.
Thanks for sharing. Sgt informative sbb majority of us mmg tak tau mcm mana nak buat if the same thing happen to us. Alhamdulillah Uzair ada parents yg resourceful. Betul apa you ckp, boleh je buat appointment and cancel it later. No harm done.
InsyaAllah with a good therapy Uzair would be fine. InsyaAllah ๐
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 19th, 2011 at 1:28 pm
kadang tu mmg boleh hilang sabar dealing with uzair tp each time i bwk uzair for his therapy session, i see worst cases than my boy. di situ kite akn belajar bersyukur and lebih bersabar.
tu lah, it is best buat appointment and if everything goes well alhamdulillah, we can cancel appointment. tp doctors n therapist kate some parents mcm defensive skit / denial bile org lan tegur pasal their anak…tu yg kadang dh lambat baru dtg, early prevention would be better kan.
salam sis.FYI,my son baru jek discharged from pyhsio+hydrotherapy. he was prem 34weeks with meningitis,so we put a lot of efforts to make sure he is not delayed milestones from other babies;and alhamdulillah after 2 years of therapy,dah pandai berlari pun drpd xboleh buat ape.and now he continue his speech therapy (so far dah start imitate ape yg die dengar),and insyaAllah next year,he’ll be attending the OT worries sis,as long as kita usaha,doa & tawakal.everythingg will be fine,kena byk sabar je =)
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 19th, 2011 at 11:55 pm
wsalam sis, thanks for sharing. may i know more about hydrotherapy. my elder 2 were prem 26weeks,alhamdulillah they manage to catch with their chronological age. By 2 years mmg dah berlari. Didnt do any hydrotherapy but we exposed them to alot of things to help with their development. mase 9 months dah bawak gi kizports to help with their physical development and mase 23months dh start anta gi montessori school. they started talking bile start masuk sekolah.
uzair yg full term lak yg ade delay in speech now. hope u can share with me more about the hydrotherapy, i believes it uses water lah ye, what does it do actually? thanks in advance
aze fauziah Reply:
December 22nd, 2011 at 7:10 am
yup,hydrotherapy involves water.hehe~sbb mase kecik dulu,ammar punye kaki n tangan mcm x byk gerak sangat,that’s why delayed on lifting head,they advised me to bring him for hydro to see whether the legs n hands can move.dlm air kan pressure kurang, sng sikit nak gerak2. and as we start stimulate him in the water,he showed lots of progress in movement.later i’ll post the video of ammar having the hydrotherapy ya sis =)
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 26th, 2011 at 12:33 am
ohhh, hosp mane yg ade this hydrotherapy services? my kids alhamdulillaj though premie their movement were okay. infact mase kena intubate tu brapa kali they dok cabut the tiub, time meniarap pun kepala dok toleh kiri kanan nk cube cabut tube. tangan smpai kena “pin” to the cadar so tak kacau tube
aze fauziah Reply:
January 6th, 2012 at 7:29 pm
i went to hukm.maybe it’s far from ur house.the other hospital kat sg buloh.private hosp i x tau.hehe
Salam munirah…
Thx for sharing…a very informative entry indeed.maternal instict is very powerful that anybody couldn’t deny…usaha n tawakkal, prayer to uzair n ur family…anyway,I’ve decided to send my eldest son to Brainy Bunch Shah Alam wpun smpi skrang when we mention about sending him to play with frens,he will say NO sambil mengamuk2…huhu…
Like myself,I’m quite worry coz my 2nd son is smaller in size physially.bile jumpe org,they will ask,brape bln,padahal oredi 1 yr 3 mths.but other development nmpk mcm ok…shld i go n see anybody (the PAED…mcm tak worry…he just said maybe small grame like his mom…like me…huhu)…
Take care dear!!!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 20th, 2011 at 1:41 pm
oh husband approve brainy bunch ye ๐
i think shuld be okay kot ur son small frame since u mmg small frame. i mean if ade genetic family yg small frame, then boleh expect ade yg ikut small frame gak. and other development progress all is well, shuld be okay insyaAllah
huhuhuhuhuhuhu mommy pilih kasih!!!!! ๐
uzair get down!
Hi Munirah,
Thanks for sharing. really2 an eye opener. My eldest have trouble focusing. Sometimes i think he just did not hear us calling him. this really upsets us. perhaps we need to dig further, just in case.
Thanks again.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 26th, 2011 at 8:53 am
how old is your son? how about other aspects? now kat Occupational therapy we are tackling focus issue gak
ija Reply:
December 28th, 2011 at 9:23 am
other that trouble focusing, he seems fine.. blh mingle, blh main game, learning pun catching up. he just turn 4 this month.
i’m googling about focus in toddler. perhaps there’s a set of criteria/ guideline to identify whether there really is an issue or not….
Hi munirah.
i pernah hantar ariana to speech help. I tak suka sangat . i suka therapist yg suka budak budak. so i called WQ park at kelana jaya.
now ariana do OT every week at WQ park and speech therapy at puchong every 2 weeks.
Athirah u hantar tak?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 27th, 2011 at 3:41 pm
hi, lame tak bump into u. how is ariana? doctor diagnose die ape that she also needs OT?
my speech therapist alhamdulillah, very good with handling uzair. mase i gi developmental paeds, she gave me a list of OT one of it tat she recommend was WQ park tp i decided to go yg ss2 sbb its a house, senang nak parking. and doc pun highly recommended her since die quite experience.
Athirah tak anta, alhamdulillah she speaks well now. pandai berdolak dalih pulak tu. ariana still gi school yg kt haji openg?
OT class give Input to speech therapy class -output
kena attend 2-2 , baru complete
(as explained by my speech therapist, i follow je.)
i think any kids with learning difficulties should attend OT.
SS2 yang mana? ada address? saja nak check out
next year i send ariana and her lil sister to twinkle kids at openg
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
January 2nd, 2012 at 11:02 pm
i didnt know about OT until i gi the development paeds. lama tunggu for appointment slot, almost 5 months i had to wait. if i tau about OT i dah bwk dulu while waiting for the appointment.
SS2 kt housing area. 2/100 tak silap. tak ingat dh address die…sbb dh hafal how to get there. nxt class i pegi i double cek the house number n road. tp situ pun full, alhamdulillah i managed to get a slot for uzair
thanks for ur info.. I have a toddler age 3 and a baby age 1. My toddler seems ok lah, but he seems
not focus.. and kdg2 mcm tak dgr ape yg kite ckp.. die ckp pun pelat.. mcm susu jadi ‘huhu’
apa kabar awak jadi ‘aha haha awak’ do u think i should go to see speech thrapist ?
I always have instinct something wrong with him, but my hubby keep on saying, takpe
pasni pandai la die tu..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
February 21st, 2012 at 7:20 am
sorry for late reply. if im in your shoes i would bring the child to speech therapist. slalu first time pegi would be for assessment. from there u will know she needs to have follow up session or all is okay just a matter of time for him to start talking fluently, like what your husband said.
i dulu pun byk kate “nanti cakap lah tu, si X dulu pun ckp mase 4 thn, yg Y tu ckp mase 5 thn. ade yg masuk darjah satu baru fasih” tp motherly instinct told me i shuld seek professional help. pastu sbb husband i slalu outstation die pun serabut kot tgk i nk kenal deal ngan uzair pagi ptg siang malam on my own, tu he agreed when i said i desparately need to understand him, tu die suruh i contact speech therapy (ST). mase tu dh buat appointment developmental paeds tapi 4 bulan i kena tunggu. so while waiting for my appointment i gi ST once a week. developmental paeds suggest i gi occupational therapy (OT) to help uzair develop his focus and all. alhamdulillah though he still tak ckp his social skill improves alot. dulu tak main ngan adik beradik langsung, skrang dh reti join main and gelak2 golek2
i’m giving you a big pat on the back. to actually acknowledge the matter is one of the most important steps. i have a son of similar problem. he’s mild ADHD. only started talking at 5yo (and such a chatterbox since). he attends regular OT & ST and also seeing a psychiatrist. he’s 8 and doing well in school. in normal school n normal class. insyaAllah Uzair will be fine with all the OT & ST. i dulu bawak gi HUKM so appointment far apart so I supplement at home with board games, beads, puzzles etc.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
February 21st, 2012 at 7:00 am
salam ummi. thanks for sharing your experience. im making lots of dua’ and prayers that my son will start talking and be a chatterbox ๐ glad to hear your son is doing well in school, alhamdulillah. how long did ur son undergo ST and OT before u see the improvements? would be nice if u can share me how do u do it at home. im having problem even to get him to sit down. and seeing psychiatrist for consultation ye?
munirah i have no experience or advise to give…but i pray for you and your son….may Allah guide your way…
btw, love that waterfall!! katne?
Even I have experienced the same with my sis daughter who is 4 years old suffering with speech disorder. We tried the speech therapy and worked out well for her. I’m sure uzair will be out of this.
admin Reply:
July 22nd, 2012 at 10:47 am
uzair been attending speech therapy since May last year. we cant seem to do any structural lesson with him during the session, thus progress a lil on the slow side. after seeing the paeds baru got to know he needs occupational therapy too, that helps to build his focus and attention span. hopefully once he is more focus, he listen to our words better and will soon imitate it, insyaAllah. bte, where does ur niece go for her speech therapy?
May i have the contact o for the lady therapist at sri hartamas?
admin Reply:
October 30th, 2012 at 12:54 pm
sorry for the late reply, the therapist (Stephanie) is expecting now, she will start taking her maternity leave in december, dont think she will take any new comer for the time being
Thank for sharing. Your son condition almost similar with my son. May i know what is the Doctor Rajini clinic contact at Bangsar Village 2? I call to Sunway make appointment, the waiting list is 6 months,wait until next year March or April. How much is the diagnose fee for doctor Rajini?
admin Reply:
October 30th, 2012 at 12:52 pm
it took me 5 months to get appointment with Dr Rajinee at Bangsar. a friend recently wanted to get an appointment, waiting list is 8 months. since u mention condition is almost similar to my son, i would recommend you start with ST and OT while waiting for your appointment.Or maybe you might be interested sending him for the EIP or Special Programme in WQ Park. u can call it for assessment. There will be 4 assessment, OT,ST, class teacher and doctor. Different between Special Programme (SP) and EIP is, SP is 3 times a week while EIP is daily and includes ST and OT in the programme. how old is your son btw?
tadi masa carik2 pasal speech theraphy bump into ur blog..
btw…my son aged 4 end of this year….attending the speech therapy session almost 16 sessions now…
He is getting better day by day…kalau mula2 dulu…..mmg berdiam seribu bahasa..tapi skarang bising dia..tak tahu nak cakap…but not in a proper word lahhh….mumbling tak tahu apa…but for’s a good sign for him…….
admin Reply:
December 23rd, 2012 at 9:21 am
good to hear that, you anta speech therapy kat mana?
Hi,I have just started sending my son to speech therapist.he is 4.therapist has recommended he attend to an o.t. as u mind sharing your o.t. contact please? All this experience can be very overwhelming,am glad to see that you are willing to share your experience.may god bless your son’s road to recovery.
admin Reply:
February 3rd, 2013 at 10:42 am
i first started sending him to OT in SS2 PJ, but somehow we couldnt get weekly slot consistently. most of the time it was once a fortnight. now my son goes to EIP in WQ Park in which it has OT tailored in his EIP. But u can also opt to go for just OT at the centre.
A very good article.see actually I’m a new kindergarten teacher and this 1 kids does worries me a lot.I’ve been wondering for quite a while what is wrong with him because he is definitely way to far to be counted as other normal I made my research and I found this great articles of yours,thank you.all those symptoms indeed does indicate that he is just like your son but then I think he is a little bit aggressive and critical.the thing is the parents of the child that i mention earlier was actually having no clue at all about their son’s condition.As a teacher,i definately after quite awhile could make a clear comparison between just naughty,lazy,etc compared to problematic indeed as a newbie teacher,i could not voice out clearly what i thought about their kids as it would affect certain things. So as a parents who love their kids,should i or should i not talk to this child’s parents?if it was you,how you would take this matter of listening all this from a newbie teacher
admin Reply:
February 10th, 2013 at 9:55 pm
ive come across kids which i feel that the child is of concern but ya, sometimes parents don’t notice. i know of a teacher raised concern pasal a student, btu because she herself is a mother, it was easier for her to mention to the mom, she bgtau lebih kurang cam “as a mother, i would be concern and nak tau if the child actually need any special help” so die cam berlapik lah suggest mak tu bawak anak see specialist. maybe u could discuss with other teachers, and perhaps get the senior teacher / principle to talk to his/her parents.
its nice to hear teachers that are alert and aware, rather than assuming / labelling the child is naughty, lazy ect. thumbs up to you. i could see that you are doing your job with full passion, masyaa Allah.
if u have further enquiries, you could email me at
Hiiii โฆโฆโฆ sy terjumpa ur blog while browsing through wq. Park website. Actually sy ada appointment with wq. Park to meet their therapist for my son. He will be 4this year tp ada problem with his speech. My son a bit similar cuma interaction with others tu ada cuma since both of us working so we send him n his sister to Taska so not really sure klu kt Taska tu camner โฆโฆ if you dont mind bleh bagi contact no lady yg buat speech therapy in ss2.. or others? Really glad to found blog yg ada same problem as mine. Hopefully you can help. Thanks.
admin Reply:
March 19th, 2013 at 6:59 am
yg kat ss2 is not speech therapy but occupational therapy. die quite pack tu mase dulu pun i didnt manage to get consistent weekly slot.most of the time was once every 2 weeks. i was quite upset with myself, i should have cari tempat lain sbb the contact hours to yang penting, kena often and consistent. tu sbb when i knew about Early Intervention Programme (EIP) at WQ Park, i got my son enrolled there. Tapi tu lah, fees die steep skit. but at least they have consistently ST and OT twice a week.
i cari balik list of ST n OT and make a separate entry of it kay, inshaa Allah.
Hi, thanks for all the details on above sharing. I’m a mother of two, my son is 4 years old and he unable to express himself very well like the others. I’m kind of worry and not sure where should i go, however i’m seeing a hope when read your blog… trying to make an appointment with Dr.Rajini at Sunway medical center but the receptionist advice us send him to speech therapy instead of waiting, may i know the contact of the speech therapy at hartamas that you mention?
I found your blog while I was googling “speech therapy”. My son, 4 years old started attending intensive Ot and ST at this center in seksyen 13, shah alam. Alhamdulillah, progress has been good, he is starting to ask for things, like ‘nak susu’. Thank you for sharing your experiences, it makes me happy to read them and may allah bless your son a speedy recovery ๐
admin Reply:
June 23rd, 2013 at 12:12 pm
alhamdulillah, happy to hear your son progressing well. how often does ur son pegi OT and ST weekly?
my son susah skit nak duduk focus, thats one of the major issue..:(
May Allah guide us through this, as He knows whats best for us ๐
I terjumpe blog you mase google speech therapist since my first-born son yg 2.7 yrs old ni susah betul nak cakap. Die sgt kuat mumbling,die blh ckp Abc and count to 10 tapi sangkut2 la sket,suke tiru gaya kartun yg ditengok,tak suke kalo strangers pegang die or cuit die, die paham arahan i, tau bile i marah semua, die take time utk kenal dgn org..once dah kenal die ok je dgn org tuh. Kalau die nak ape2, die just tunjuk and buat bunyi je so kite kena paham sendiri apa die nak. So, i nak taye…should i be worried sbb husband i gan i kalau blh nak bg die mase lagi sebelum bawak die jumpe speech therapist. Honestly, i tak risau sgt tapi org sekeliling byk yg persoalkan ability die. Tu yg i agak disturb sket. I plan nak enroll die dalam playgroup soon and see what happens. If you could advice me on what to do i would be really grateful…
Thank you,
admin Reply:
June 23rd, 2013 at 12:05 pm
yes it would be a good idea if u can enroll him for a playschool/kindergarten and see how his progress is. meanwhile u can get slot for developmental paediatric’s appointment. we dont have much devolopment paeds here in malaysia so waiting list can be up to 8 months or so. tu i suggest u get an appointment dulu, meanwhile anta sekolah. if progressing well can just cancel the appointment. sbb takut nanti dah 3 tahun lebih nak buat appointment, dah nak mausk 4 thn br dapat slot jumpe doctor.
does he has eye contact bile cakap dgn org? or does he has any repetitive behavior he likes doing?
Salam and thank you for the post. I have a child who has autism and SID (sensory integration processing disorder). Kalau dulu jumpa orang akan menjerit atau lari, nak masuk restaurant langsung tak boleh. Memang delay in language and speech. Sebelum tu I bawak dia jumpa this Speech therapist tapi tak ada perubahan dan chemistry pun tak ade. Then I brought my daughter to see Dr Norizan and her OT kat section 13 Shah Alam. Alhamdulilah after 6 months nampak improvement. Mula2 intensive tapi skrg dah sekali seminggu. Kena buat byk excercise kat rumah and with their patient guidance, my girl dah boleh tolerate kalau pergi ke tempat ramai, dah mula request. Bila baca blog terasa I am not alone. Keep it going ye.
[Reply] son have similar case.he now 3yrs 4mths too. he talked less..only few words like ma..susu..erak(berak)etc..its make me worry.last week the taska teacher told me my son doesnt want to join the others kids activity. he prefer 1-1 with teacher. but last nite we so surpised that he can count 1-10 but of coz pelat.
my question is should i bring him to any specialist? if yes pls recommend to me one hartamas/pj shld be ok
admin Reply:
March 5th, 2014 at 12:40 pm
getting appointment with developmental paeds can be a very long queue, it may even take a year long. what i would suggest is, get the appointment slot and meanwhile, send ur child for OT and ST. if everything falls into place by the time ur appointment slot approaching, u can always cancel the appointment ๐
Salam. Thank you for sharing.. My son diagnosed as slow learner… kena buat OT tp xdpt2 appointment kat WQPark.. frust sgt..
Browse2 jumpa plak GreatLife Physiotherapy kt sek 13 ni. Tapi xde EIP.. Ada pun kt Kota Damansara. still, mmg ada improvement ke? A bit sceptical as to betul ke x dpt results…
admin Reply:
March 5th, 2014 at 12:35 pm
oh y? they are full? wats important i think is the contact hours, i personally think an hour a weeek is not sufficient. tp tu lah…cost is another issue