Two weeks of the new year has passed, how has it been for you? Is the rat race still on? Amongst the hustle and bustle of today’s busy society, we often tend to over commit ourselves by wanting to do just about everything and be everywhere at the same time, juggling between work, peers, family and “me” time. If we are often not making it to get-togethers, family outings, movie dates and the list goes on, then are we getting in to the habit of making empty promises a tad too often?
This year with elder two already started primary school, life surely gets even more busier. Logistic has always been a madness for me. There are days where all i have in mind is to get from place A to place B then to place C almost forgetting i have the kids in the car, rushing them around but forgotten i should use every minute i have with the kids effectively and treasure those moment even if we are stuck in the traffic jam. In fact i realised, in traffic jams we tend to have more quality time, we chat a lot more 🙂
I often see parents at the restaurant always hook with their phone while waiting for the food. Kids are either given a gadget too or being “ignored” by the parents who seems so engaged with his / her phone. Couple of times i notice the parents are on Facebook / instagram / twitter, not so much of work related. Im sure that can be put aside while u are with your kids.
Lets step up and turn things around today by making a pledge on the Kleenex® Wall of Softness – a bold new reminder that even small gestures mean a great deal to the people in your life.
“Kleenex® is synonymous with softness, I would like to invited blog readers to pledge an act of softness in your everyday lives. hence we constantly champion the importance of softness in the everyday lives of consumers,” said Soo Woon Yee, Marketing Director, Kimberly-Clark. “The Kleenex® Wall of Softness takes the Share the Softness campaign to a whole new level, making a bigger, bolder statement that we need to make acts of softness a priority by pledging to do something nice for our loved ones, and not just in words, but committing ourselves to fulfil those promises to the important people in our lives.”
Joining Kleenex® to spread acts of softness by making the very first pledges on the Kleenex® Wall of Softness are local celebrities – philanthropist and World Vision’s Child’s Rights advocate Deborah Henry and award-winning actress Sharifah Amani.
To me…softness is my kids checks :). I will play WITH my kids. Yes, to play with them…not just to sit, facilitate and watch them but rather to participate along…not while on the phone / facebook / twitter / instagram and such but yes to be involved. Lets do that, fully engaged, and fully theirs. To enter their world of imagination.
The other day i found few fabrics i could make do with, sew up a mini puppet theatre for the kids. I told them to create any story, any. Their imagination were simply amazing!
Why not take a minute of your busy life, sit and ponder and think of a pledge. Make a change. Join Kleenex®, Deborah Henry and Sharifah Amani to pledge an act of softness today on – all you have to do is make your pledge, and first 100 daily pledgers will get a free Kleenex® soft pack! Next, share a photo of you fulfilling your pledges and stand a chance to win a holiday worth RM3,000 plus RM2,000 of spending money!
The Kleenex® Share the Softness campaign will run from 20 November 2013 till 15 January 2014 and aims to achieve 5,000 pledges, upon which Kleenex® will spread the softness to the underprivileged children of the Fugee School with a cash donation of RM10,000. Through this campaign, Malaysians will be reminded to bring softness into each other’s lives, and also to the lives of needy children in the Fugee School, a non-profit charity organisation that provides basic education to refugee children from Somalia.
As my kids are always up to something, be it playing the mud or running around sweating, having the Kleenex®, the world’s No.1 facial tissue is just ideal, softness, gently cleanses all skin types. Every sheet is made from 100% quality virgin fiber that leaves no residue behind to reduce skin irritation. This ensures not only clean skin, but gentle care and finest hygiene for you and your family. Kleenex® tissues, are available in both facial and bath tissues and in a variety of attractive and convenient packaging formats, distinctive for their ideal softness, strength and absorbency. I usually carry the soft pack around with me in my handbag
dont forget to make your pledge and hashtag #kleenexsoftness