My Kids

From the left, Athirah, Uzair, Harith and Uwais.

Triplets Plus One is a blog I created dedicated for my kids, The Triplets, Uzair and Uwais. The journey I had with the Triplets, during pregnancy, inspired me to start blogging about them. It was a tough journey filled with sad and pleasant memories. They were born prematurely. We cannot outrun complications. Then, another twist of fate gave me and hubster the welcome wagon.  The birth of Uzair, my autistic son, another blessing in disguise, who inspired me to be part of Young Living Essential Oils. Finally, there is my youngest son, all normal and easy, Uwais, my little bodyguard.


The Triplets

I wrote this in 2009.

The Labour of the Triplets.

“I guess her name reflects her destiny; Alesya which means protected by God. Allah decided to take her back to be with Him.At least I know she need not suffer to fight for her life. She’s daddy’s little girl. She has long limbs, legs and fingers, sharp nose and even the shape of her face. She had my eyes though”

The Few Most Popular Questions:

Q1: You have triplets???
A1: Yes, I was blessed with triplets on the 9th of June; 1 boy and 2 gals: Ahmad Harith, Alesya Zara and Athirah Zahraa.
However on the 11th June Alesya Zara returned to Allah during the call of Zuhur prayer.

Q2: Did you know right from the beginning you are expecting triplets?
A2: Yes I did

Q3: Do you have family history of twins/triplets?
A3: Yes, my mom has twin brother. My grandpa had 2 sets of twin siblings, and few other sets of twin cousins and a set of triplets

Q4: Did you have a C-section?
A4: Nope, I didn’t. I delivered all three the natural way.

Q5: How come you gave birth so early?
A5: Unfortunately I didn’t know what I felt over the night was actually a contraction. I thought it was just one of those aching I usually feel through out my pregnancy. Since it was in the middle of the night, I thought it was unnecessary to rush to the hospital, fearing it was nothing major, the nurse might just laugh it off. Somehow as morning approaches I told my mom (hubby not around) I think I need to see the doctor. Guess what? When I reached there, doctor said, mine was 9cm opened (the maximum is 10cm) and my membrane was bulging. They tried to prevent me from giving birth but the medication and oxygen given to me didn’t help much. At almost 9am, they decided I had to give birth.

My babies are very very small, well that’s something we would expect I guess since they were only 26 weeks. Each of them weigh at 760gm, 564gm and 600gm respectively. And their length are 33cm, 32.5cm and 31.5cm.

Unfortunately, Alesya was too small. Most of her body system has not fully matured yet. Her lung especially and also her blood vessel. She had bleeding in her brain. The day she left us, there were also bleeding in her lung and stomach. Looking at her pale body I was really sad fearing that she was in pain. I knew I had to let her go. I guess her name reflects her destiny; Alesya which means protected by God. Allah decided to take her back to be with Him.At least I know she need not suffer to fight for her life. She’s daddy’s little girl. she has long limbs, legs and fingers, sharp nose and even the shape of her face. She had my eyes though.

Of course I couldn’t stop crying when I knew I’m gonna lost her. I was still at the hospital when they did her funeral. I stayed in the hospital so that I could be with my other 2 angels. That night syauQi and I went to see Harith and Athirah. It was a touching moment. When I touched Harith’s head, there were tears from his eyes. Then syauQi went over to Athirah and touched her head. The minute syauQi touched her, Athirah was also in tears. I guess they could feel the lost of their sister. Because of that, I make a promise to myself to be strong for them, to comfort and ensure them things will be alright, insya-Allah.

I asked my lecturer psychologically, could my children feel the lost of their sister? She replied : Although I can’t quote any academic evidence, I believe that your children have formed a bond while in the womb. Similar thing happened to a boy at Rumah Solehah when his twin brother passed. Your surviving children may not have cognitive recollection of their sister but may have memory of the senses. Wallahu’alam.

I was sad, I didn’t had the chance to be at Alesya’s funeral. But after being told other relatives and frens were there, I felt relief knowing lots of people send off Alesya Zara for me. I would like to thank everyone for their concern, love and support. May Allah bless all of you

Q6: How long did hArith and athirAh spend in the hospital?

hArith were in the hospital for 99 days while athirAh were in the hospital for 124 days. However she had to be readmitted to the hospital after 2 spending 2 nights at home due to hernia which needed operation. Besides that both of them went through eye laser for ROP.


My remaining triplets are doing well after the ordeal. About a year after that, suddenly me and hubs were surprised with another pregnancy, my third child, Uzair.


The Labour of uZAir

As i mentioned in my previous post, I suspected I was having contraction cause the interval was consistent every 7 mins however I didn’t want to head to the hospital yet since I didnt want to be in the labour room tooo long.So sempat lagi before pegi hospital bgtau hubster me want to eat durian. heheh. He went out to buy it and I ate 4 ulas (or was it 5?), we were joking around “kang anak kuar2…nangis bau durian”…hihihiAfter eating durian, off we went to the hospital. I could still tolerate the pain but since it was a Saturday we decided to go to the hosp early fearing it might take some time for the nurse to call the doctor.

We reached the hosp, it was my first time at the ward…told the nurse at the counter “nak beranak” (i wanna giv birth)…sume cam confused. They asked me, am i in pain? i said “yes, every 7 mins”. They send me to the labour room and observe my contraction. It was every 5mins then. Thus they started calling the doctor, Prof Siti Zawiyah. When prof arrived, she checked and told me i was bout 3 – 4cm open. And in usual scenario it will take at least 4 hours for it to open maximum thus she said, “i just picked my daughter from school, i’ll send her home and come back”.

Oh, looks like my case wasn’t the usual scenario. In less than 2 hours, i was already 8cm open. Nurses tried contacting Prof but no reply (apparently she put her phone on a low volume coz she was conducting a seminar that morning). Thus it was the midwife that “greet” my baby into this world. Prof came just after my boy pops out, so she took over to kuarkn my uri and did my stiches down south. Midwife cut my down south bout 4 cm coz size of the baby was rather big.

Hubster was wiz me all the time…not only he stood beside me, he went over beside the midwife to see how things are being done. In fact I was actually reminding myself to be strong and make my labour go as smooth as possible fearing hubster would tell others how terrible I was during labour. Malu lar kn if nanges or tejerit2 cam hesteria, kang org tanye hubster how was it and all those terjerit2 n nanges2 revealed. So I tried my very best to make hubster be able to tell others a smooth sailing labour process (hmm,I wonder did I succeed in doing so…)

Oh, I didn’t take epidural, I took entonox(laughing gas). While using it, i was actually ‘composing’ my blog . Telling myself what to write about my labour… hehe. I was saying…” oh this must be the feeling of ‘high – out of the world’ that drugs addict seek for. but after awhile as I became too ‘high’ i was like “oh gosh what’s so great of being high”… it’s a kind of feeling that you yourself can’t control, in which I didn’t like it. I was afraid I became too high that I wont be able to treasure the moment when my boy pops out. I really wanted to let go the gas mask I was holding but I had a second thought “what if I then can’t bear the pain?..should i or should i not let it go”. Well, I did let it go for few seconds. It was rather immediate that I felt I’m back to the reality world. And the pain felt rather immediate I put on the mask again and telling myself..oh the gas won’t bring me away to the lala land that far since the moment i took it off im back to the real world. Thus the moment I saw my baby’s head, I immediately took the mask off so I could hear the cry of my baby.

Oh what a wonderful moment. My previous pregnancy I couldnt hear by triplets’ cry coz they were extreme premie, so this time around it was a first time experience for me. I asked my hubster to rub my back each time contraction happened. Another thing, through out the labour period, i was feeling extremely hot. Infact I was sweating. Hubster had to use a clipboard to fan me. He blame on the durian but I don’t think durian was the culprit coz during my previous labour I had a stand fan right infront of me too. And talking about durian, fortunately the baby’s cry didn’t have any durian smell but after being transfered to a different room…the gas really made me feel nausea. Unfortunately nurse didn’t come in time to give me a container to vomit…i vomitted on the floor….and the whole place smell durian!!!! Yuckksss, kantoi lar pulak.

The delivery makes me recall bout my first delivery. Oh couldn’t believe myself how did I do it without the presence of my hubster. Maybe because Allah knows hubster not around, thus he gave me the extra strength needed, and now since hubster ade…Allah gave me the privillege of being ngada ngada…hihihi. I really did squeeze his hand to ‘transmit’ the pain I was feeling.

All in all, two things I will treasure:
One: The moment I saw my boy’s head and heard his cry
Two: The kisses on my forehead that I received from my dear syauQi after my boy pops out.

Oh what a wonderful moment =)



Well, my job as a mommy increased exponentially with Uzair. Life was very hectic and chaotic. Then, my last child came into our family picture, Uwais.


The Birth of Uwais

Alhamdulillah we are blessed with another boy on the 24th January 2012. It was an amazing labour experiece. 12 minutes into the labour room, and baby pops out! Entered room at 12:58pm with 5cm dilated, and baby came out at 1:10pm. Amazing, MasyaAllah. Parents drove me to the hospital, husband couldnt make it on time. He just finished his exams. Alhamdulillah Allah ease my labour journey. At age 28+ and I’m a mother of 4. Very much contented, Alhamdulillah

As claimed by most mothers that I know, the more numbers of birth you experienced, the faster the birth process will be. This is exactly what happened to Uwais. It was a quick labor. It was only a total of 12 minutes from the time I walked into the hospital up to the ward in which I delivered my baby.

And so I always tell my friends and colleagues…if only raising kids is as easy as giving birth to Uwais, I may ended up with 8 kids by now.

Uwais had a different babyhood compared to his brothers and sister. He grew up most of the time on the road with me and Uzair. It was another blessing in disguise to give birth to him exactly the time Uzair was diagnosed with the disorder. So, he spent most of his time on the road and at therapy centre. All this made him grew up a lil faster and more independent than his age. He acts like the bigger brother to Uzair now. I can always rely on him as my extra eye. Extremely alert and aware whenever abang is up to something

Once when he was 3 years old, while we were at my mom’s, Uzair was running and jumping about everywhere, as usual, like a non-stop like Energizer bunny. Uwais noticed my aunt face frowning looking at Uzair up and about. He tapped my aunt’s shoulder and said “It’s okay, Allah made him different.”

Oh and he takes charge of the rice cooker. At age 6…he is the only one who cooks rice for the family, voluntarily.

He enjoys sports very much and his energy hardly depletes, mashaa Allah.

So now I have a growing team, everyone is on the look out for Uzair and watch out for each other’s backs.