What I am going to say next is going to shock some of you. My kids bathe with just water. That’s right. They bathe just using water.

Last weekend, I went to Indonesia for a sharing session with the current and new members of Young Living Indonesia. I did mention to the crowd there about removing chemicals from my kids lives for good. Then, I mentioned my kids only shower with just water. No soaps. I got this response,”Eww, gross”, “Are you out of your mind?” kind of look. The overall look of disbelief and disapproval.
But it is true I do not give my kids soap. Even if I did, they would end up finishing it within a week playing with the bubbles.
So, you think it is unhygienic, oily, stacks many layers of dead skin and smells bad. Not really. Actually, it is very safe to bathe with just water. After their shower, I would rub a drop of Thieves Essential Oil on their sole. This helps to fight against germs and viral infection. My kids’ skin is also no longer prone to dryness. And no more money wasted to buy soap stocks and goodbye harsh chemicals!
There are reasons why I don’t like the over the counter bath gel and shampoo but mainly it is the synthetic chemicals. Our skin has pores and it easily absorbs chemicals onto the skin and into the bloodstream. These things happen while bathing, washing plates, wearing over the counter lotions and applying impure oils. The risk of synthetic chemicals is obvious, oxidative stress, allergic reactions, wax covering the pores, artificial scent sticks to the skin, flaking and dry skin. Why not completely change that by opting for a healthier and natural way of handling life’s routine?
I always encourage my kids to play outdoors, rain or shine. Most parents would freak out or limit their kids from playing in the rain. Fear that they might catch colds. But I wouldn’t worry. Despite playing with mud and dirt, I am grateful they are healthy and no cold in sight. The key here is (1) boost their immune system, (2) chemical free product lifestyle and (3) restful sleep because only during deep sleep the immune system and growth hormone production reaches its maximum.
During a hot sunny day, before my kids out and running under the sun, I would place a drop of Frankincense on their head and if they play during rain or swimming, I would put a drop on their chest, just to seal so that their chest doesn’t become cold and directly preventing them from flu.

At night, to ensure deep sleep, I would diffuse Essential Oils in their rooms. Then they will have a good night sleep and could wake up early with no fuss.
So you can let kids be kids and worry less about your kids’ health. Need to know more about how I help my kids maintain good immune system? Get them to sleep soundly at night? Contact me here.
***Do you know?
According to the Environmental Working Group, women use an average of 12 products a day, containing 168 different chemicals. Men use fewer products, but still put 85 chemicals on their bodies. Teens on average use 17 personal care products a day, according to the group, which tested 20 teens’ blood and urine seven years ago to find out which chemicals from these products were ending up in their bodies. They said they found 16 hormone-altering chemicals, including parabens and phthalates.