
November 8, 2007
…and mOre photOs…
hOme together
hArith: “luv u sis, n i miss you…dont get yourself readmitted again kay. i want u home!”
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  1. harith nampak macam guardian athirah 🙂 nanti besar besok xde orang berani kaco athirah ni 😀



  2. auwwww…. cutenya.

    tabik to you. i always terfikir betapa lah nak menjaga twins. jaga sorang at a time pun.. adeh..

    btw – anak sulung saya Nurul Athirah. one bubbly talkactive girl she’s 6 this year.


  3. lovelyummi: thanx =)
    time both tgh good mood cute lar, time both tgh meragam…. warrrghhh, langsung tak cute…hehe

    ummi: kekadang tu teterap gak nk menjaga both. mmg menguji tahap kesabaran maknye
    p/s: lets just hope my baby athirAh turns up to be as bubbly and talkative as yours =)


  4. hi, i’m mother of triplet gak..1 gal 2 diorang dah 4 months,,baby pram gak..i deliver mase diorang 31 weeks..kat hukm..duduk kat NICU for about 26 days..mase lahir weight diorang semua lebih kurang alhamdulillah dah 5 kg above cuma gal tuh lambat sket..


  5. hi, i’m mother of triplet gak..1 gal 2 diorang dah 4 months,,baby pram gak..i deliver mase diorang 31 weeks..kat hukm..duduk kat NICU for about 26 days..mase lahir weight diorang semua lebih kurang alhamdulillah dah 5 kg above cuma gal tuh lambat sket..


  6. WoW conGraTs!!!u r lucky that all three angels survive as mine one gal pass away. i guess it made lots of difference since they had extra 5 weeks in ur womb compared to mine (my was 26 weeks) and my babies sume less than 1 kg, the gal that pass away was just sliightly more than half a kilo.

    and upon discharge what was their weight? 1.9? if that is so, wow they gain weight rather fast. my boy spend 99 days and gal 123 days plus 16 additional days for her hernia operation.

    would really love to talk to u more bout these premie. i’m contactable on YM or email at

    hope to hear from u soon =)


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