People been asking me, who does uZAir looks like? Well let me see…
2 months old uZAir
neither does he looks like his sister, athirAh…
and not even like any of his grandparents…
Well, this is the closest I could think of…
He looks like my 83 years old grandfather (on my dad’s side)…
So do you think I’m right? Lil’ uZAir looks like his great grandfather…?
*excuse hArith’s sleepy head look. He just woke up at that time

you, nak tanya, yg one of the grandad itu (baju petak2), is he a pilot?
ha’ah he is…u kenal?
he used to be one of my speaker during my training, kat flt simulator. he is a very strict person but very the father-ly type.
oh ya, i can really tke ur words if u said he is a strict man at work…hihi
but hmm, how does he potray his father-ly-ness at work? (but of coz no doubt he is..hihi)
patutnye bagi dia pakai kupiah pastu baru letak kat sebelah mmbah(moyang) dia tu tengok ngam ke tak ngam….ihihihhih uzair pakai kupiah, mesti cute kan..
hmm, kalau mcm tu kena gi cari ah kupiah kecik tuk uZAir. jom gi jln TAR cari! =)
haah la.. mmg iras moyang dia.. haha.. especially tang bentuk muke, mata n pipi… pandai u trace!
Hehheheh….ada iras moyang dia la…anyway wajah atuk u mengenangkan I pada arwah atuk I…mcm sama jer, he si very lovely person mmg tak der sapa yg boleh ganti arwah atuk yg sememangnya sgt sabar dgn kerenah cucu-cucunya yg noty2….
well, strict esp bout time, we all mmg takleh lbt sikit pun n his “water-face” mcm alamak garangnyer Cpt nih. tp when explaining things, he will explain it betol2 to ensure dat we understand. tp no matter how hard n clear he explained to us, but still we all crash kan flt during the simulator training. hampeh kan we all nih 😉
ha’ah ler…he does look like his great grandfather 🙂
mama pink:
jauh betul melompat…rupe moyang pulak die ikut..hihi