Ride-on – TRIPLETS plus ONE


May 4, 2009

Last week, i post up my kids playing with Thomas Train aight? and some of you asked me where did i buy it. Here’s the thing…i didn’t buy it but i RENT it. Yes, now it is possible for you to rent toys.

Please, dont get me wrong. I’m not bragging around about the toys my kids have. But with three of them in a house, i really need toys to keep them occupied. If not jenuh ah all day long they wanna me to chase them around and race around the house.

So this time around, we rent these for them. The purpose of the motorbike is to teach kids to balance and the coupe teaches them leg coordination. They luv it.

Ni, pApa gune hArith tuk buat stunt, hihi

athirAh, as usual always conquers everything. She took control of all new toys.

See, even pApa not allowed to get near the toy. If anyone else in the coupe, she would climb tru the window and pushes whoever sitting in it out tru the door…mmg sungguh tak sopan anak dara ini.

And even uZAir is never too small to join along. He loves it sooo much. Pusing sterring beria macam betul2 bawak kereta.

And unlike most coupe, this one has a passanger seat at the back.

uZAir even uses it as a “walker”, pushing it everywhere around.

hmmm, wondering where I rent these toys? cek this out. http://www.playlend.com/ their services are superb!
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  1. my son loves playing with the coupe whenever we go to see his paed, so a trip to the paed is never boring for him.


  2. omg munirah bestnye boleh sewa!!!! how did u know bout this? im booking for hQ’s 2nd bday party boleh tak?? semangat sungguh. TQ for the link 😀


  3. excellent info… thanxomuch!!

    … and it’s always a pleasure to see the kids’ photos, super-duper cute! 🙂


  4. good info .. dlm hati dah plan nk sewa time buat bestday adam nanti .. TQ mun 😉


  5. Hanim,

    Wah… I baru je baca pasal Toys Library kat OZ ni…

    Kat Msia pon rupenye dah ade..

    Bagus lah Malaysia tanah air ku yg tercinta!


  6. munirahhh nape xkasik tau awal2…ketinggalan ketapinye i niiii..besnye nnti my nephew dtg nak sewa la main ramai2.sure syiokkkkk..

    buat party pun mcm reasonable giler price


  7. Drama mama:
    berebut tak bebudak kat paeds tu nk naik the car? hihi

    i was trying my luck..goggle toys for rent and came across the website.
    wahh..dah ade early preparation plan for hQ’s bday =)

    hi hi. salam kenal
    u ade twins gak yer =)

    hmm, asal tak bgtau awal? sbb if i bgtau sume org kang time i nak sewa jenuh lar pulak sume toys not available…hahahah. takpe2 sharing is caring.

    actually, sbb nk survey dulu..service and all okay tak sblum pukul canang citer kat sume org. so far, mmg superb.

    bgtau die got to know from munirah…sure 5 star service die kasi, hihi

    n yup, price reasonable


  8. wah…bestnye munirah…tq for the link. Untuk kami yang tinggal di condo and takde storage space, this is the way to go!!! I’m loving you more for this! hehehehe..


  9. waahahh bleh sewa yek? betul apa u ckp, kalau sme nk beli, nnt umah penuh toys, hahaah by the time diorang dh jemu, nk kene cari space nk simpan toys plak..sigh..i want to try this! thanks


  10. seronok nampaknya diorang main new toys. tapi mmg budak2 cepat boring dgn toys diorg. so, toys yg besar2 camni mmg lebih elok sewa. takdelah memenuhkan ruang nak menyimpan bila dah boring…

    mummy orked


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