=) – TRIPLETS plus ONE


July 20, 2009

Alhamdulillah, nice weather, nice crowd, couldnt ask for more…

I shall blog on it tomorrow perhaps, meanwhile here are photos of my kids lost in their beautiful gifts by their luvly guests





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  1. thanks for the invitation munirah…. mmg sgt best ok!! party of the year… we really enjoy and had so much of fun 🙂


    Munirah Reply:

    very happy to hear u had fun as much as we did!


  2. wow bestnye byk hadiah.. so sorry tak bwk present.. xsempat nak gi beli, as nadhrah just woke up.. n i just checked my mail..

    thx a lot for inviting us!! the party was great..
    nadhrah had heaps of fun.. dia siap buat cam rumah sendiri.. saba je la..

    my mom hoped u n ur kids liked the cake..

    p/s: care to share mo pics..? hehehe.. kot2 laa ada gmbr terselit.. kamera pun i lupe bwk.. so kelam kabut.. smlm pakai kamera hp jer..

    thx again dear.. !


    Munirah Reply:

    happy to hear ur daughter had great time…takpe2 buat macam rumah sendiri. it’s their day =)
    p/s: i pun tgh tunggu gmbar dr other moms ni..hihi


  3. munirah. tqvm.. best2. tapi u tetap gagal nak basahkan i. huahuahua


    Munirah Reply:

    jom ah rematch…ade bran? wakakakaka


  4. bestnya party! looks fun, rugi tak dapat attend coz i’m too far away, but thanks a lot for the invitation.

    glad the kiddos had so much fun!


  5. great party.. banyaknya hadiah..
    salam kenal.. anak kita sama nama Uzair my second child..
    My bro pun ada triplet.. the third one didn’t survive… so left with one girl and one boy..


    Munirah Reply:

    oh..ur bro ade blog? teringin gak baca about his kids. how old are they? and were they born full term?
    oh ya, salam kenal =)
    nanti i singgah ur blog kay


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