Allah keeps me awake – TRIPLETS plus ONE

Allah keeps me awake

December 3, 2009

If u notice at my tweeter last nite, i wrote this: its only few mins past 12am tp uZAir dh bgn 4 kali! average i bgn malam ialah 6 kali kerana uZAir, blum campur hArith n athirAh bgn nak susu.

Yes, that’s how frequent i wake up at night. but Allah is great, despite the frequent interuption i get at night..he makes me energetic enough to go through the day. I dont take afternoon nap. Or shall i say, i dont have such opportunity to take nap during the day time either. So in a way, yes i’m sleep deprived but Allah keeps me awake =)

My elder two still wakes up most of the night for milk. At times, i wonder till when will they stop waking up at night. C’mon kids…why not just closed your eyes and enjoy your sleep. And they also don’t have a consistent nap time during the day. athirAh could go through one whole day without a nap! (despite waking up latest by 8:30). Yes, the amount of energy they have during the day can drive me nuts . uZAir clings to me most of the time and he can whine like forever! Hmm, maybe instead of praying ” Ya Allah, ya tuhanku, berikanlah kesabaran kpd hambamu ini” i shuld start praying “Ya Allah ya tuhanku, jadikanlah uZAir seorang yg ceria”

Hmm..since he no longer takes morning nap, i guess its time to send him for Kidzports and start learning some social skill

And oh talking about social skill, those interested to join USANA, i’m planning to have a session at my house. where Mrs Imran gonna explain to the new members how the system works. So while the moms “talk business”…the kids can get themselves busy socializing with each other…indoor and outdoor. I am still giving out rebate RM24 for those interested to be member.

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  1. yah munirah masa i lunch kat umah u tu pun i amzing sgt tgk u, very energetic mother. Lepas sorang sorang u layan anak u. No wonder u slim…


  2. same here too… despite having to wake up like 6-7 times… siang takde plak tersengguk2 ngantuk ke apa… patut la kurus kering je kite ni…


  3. wah..sonoknye munirah ade session for USANA at your house..i would like to join but jauh sgt..tapi kalo i suh my downline pegi boleh kan?? sbb kalo penerangan face to face lagi mudah..



  4. i admit memang u sangat energetic boleh handle sekali 3!

    haihh i yang sorang ni pon selalu je seronok tgk ur kids..macam2 perangai.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    tu sbb i tepaksa terima hakikat i pendek..if i pakai heels, mau patah tulang belakang i kejar bebudak tu…hahah


  5. wow ..u nih superwomen laaaaaaaa munirah ( auw terasa cam puji diri sendiri )

    Munirah , kerap nya dia org bangun …harith n athirah still bangun memalam ek …tak pa dear insyaallah nanti dah masuk 3 thn mmisti u can enjoy ur sleep di waktu malam . Some kids langsung tak bangun but since u ada 3 ….so kena darab la jumpah tew …tak pa munirah , pengorbanan ibu tew hanya tuhan mampu membalas nya

    ur so strong n u know that ….muah


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    im farrr from being a superwomen moon. i do wish i am one…
    yup sume masih bgn tgh malam. kalau tak attend cepat kang mula lah nangis, and lagi 2 akn join bgn…pastu mak die yg nangis kang if sume 3 bgn


  6. The miracle of motherhood. That’s why mothers get all the respects and rewards. Bapak-bapak pulak tolong je la mana yang boleh. Hat’s off to u.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    yup, tat’s y is nice to have the pApa around coz he can help here and there. but at times feels better if the pApa away for work coz the last thing i want for the kids is the pApa loosing his patience on the kids. coz i think the kids get enough screaming from me…hihi


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