Wedding – TRIPLETS plus ONE


September 27, 2010

The past three nites (thursday, friday and saturday) my kids’ bedtime when haywire. It was my cousin’s wedding over the weekend so we had a doa selamat on thursday nite, solemnization on friday nite and reception on saturday nite. It was really tiring for us coz the house was by the main road so we had to do headcount every 2 seconds to make sure none of them run out to the road. With the huge crowd, it wasnt easy to do head count, most of the time they were celah2 adult, so they were not really visible.

We left our hse just after maghrib and since the kids didnt have their afternoon nap, they ended up sleeping in the car while on the way to the venue. So they had their power nap, all well charged for the event. Thus there were actively roaming around, and furthermore there were already familiar with my aunts’ hse…mmg tak tau takut…they were everywhere.

I brought along my camera but obviously i didnt have much chance to snap photos.  Among the very few photos that i took…


Flower gal yg sudah ngantuk + not well

so ended up mak flower gal jadi flower gal kejap (kak jaja, im assuming i hv ur permission to put up ur photo here coz obviously u were aware i took photo of u 😉 )

and this was uZAir taking his power nap, slept in the car and continued sleeping when we arrived but soon after bgn trus segar bugar

Oh have i ever mentioned to you that we have a feeling athirAh ade sixth sense? since baby she seems to see things that we dont. During the wedding, mase pengantin masuk, there was a group baca selawat, she was looking into the direction of the group and suddenly she giggled. I asked her “why athirAh laugh?” and she confidently said “hihihi (continue giggle) dah takde dah :D” and gave me a big grin 😀 . Hmm… wallahu’alam

To my cousin, Nadzirah…

Congratulation again, sorry we had to leave early coz kami semput kejar the 3 kids…

**psst, TRIPLETS plus ONE will be on air wednesday tv3 at 11pm, a rather adult talk show i think. 3 blogger will be the guest for the show, 1 who talks about political issue, a cardiac doctor who talks more on academic issue and the 3rd guest is a non-political issue blogger (who talk craps…haha) (read:me)

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