Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE

Elsa’s Costume Birthday Party

By on March 8, 2010

Last week i had the opportunity to Capture Moments for Elsa’s Costume Birthday Party, it was her first birthday batch. I could see everyone put great effort to come with costumes, kids and the adults too.

Elsa was such a darl, she behave so well..she wasnt afraid seeing all sorts of costume

They even had the A&W mascot and it wasnt a problem . Elsa was so cool with the bear

Here’s Elsa with her parents n the bear

Amonng the costume we had during the day were…

oh look at this, she’s covered and she managed to dress in costume that covers her aurat, sweet isn’t she,

they had face painting service too, and yes not only the kids, the adults got their face painted too =)

It was Elsa 1st birthday, but she had 2 cakes on that day =)

Oh not only cakes, she had cupcakes all around her cake

To Elsa, Happy Birthday dear!

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Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE

Hafiy’s Birthday Picnic

By on March 7, 2010

I had a good time yesterday with Hafiy. He greeted me with such a cheerful smile on his face, looking very cheecky. I felt soo happy upon seeing his bubbly attitude. That makes the photo session easier. Yes, nothing beats the feeling of seeing a child being comfortable with me. Alhamdulillah

This time around, i need not bring any props along, Hafiy’s mom make things easier for me…she prepared everything. Hafiy’s turning two yers old next week, hence we did a lil celebration for him =)

Hafiy feeding mom and dad the birthday cake

Hafiy certainly had a great time running around

Hafiy enjoyed so much throwing the stones into the lake

Thought nak bawak Hafiy main anak sungai but it started to rain when we were about to leave for the stream…

Thanks Ros for putting up such a lovely set of picnic =)

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Kids Activities | Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE

Colourful Little Crawlers

By on January 31, 2010

I surely had a great Saturday yesterday. The garden was full of colours. Yes, I had 2 session of finger painting, morning for the little crawlers and evening for the little explorer. I shall do a post on the little crawlers first.

Innitially my intention of having such session was aim for the little crawlers’ age group. But it turn out more interest came from the little explorer, thus i came out with two session. Thanks to Farah from for helping out to conduct the session, yes she was the one with the tangan seni, came with homemade colours 😉

We had 3 crawlers in the morning, all were happily playing with the colours.  All mom were supporting enuff to allow freedom of colours…hihi

Faheem came with clothes on, i suggested to be on just diapers but apparently their parents had other plan. The wanted to treassure the moment of Faheems first painting session, that they were willing to sacrifice his attire. Purposely put Faheem in white tshirt, and they intend to frame up the attire.

Here’s Faheem at the beginning of the session..all clean and white

And he literally followed his parents’ plan. instead of busy painting the paper he was busy putting the paint on his clothes.

Faheem really enjoyed the paint that he actually put it all over himself

here’s a closer look of his foot

Malaeka was also having a fiesta time with the colours, i think i need not say it more…let the photos show it

I know most parents are concern about the paint, especially at this age..they have the tendency to put everything in their mouth. Of coz this was the few main consideration i did before coming out with this session. Yes, the paint is safe for your lil ones, it is homemade paint…all the ingredients come from the kitchen. Still unsure whether it is safe or not? Let these photos tell you

Need more assurance? How about this?

Baby Mikhail wasn’t really in the mood, was given some ubat for his cough so i think he was a lil drowsy. However tak pulak dgr die batuk. Wah ubat tu must be really good.

It was so cute to see babies crawling everywhere,

And I did email to everyone saying extra clothes are ESSENTIAL for both, babies n mommies. Yes, not only the babies will be full in colours, moms too

All moms were cool enough about letting the kids get their “shower” in the garden. At first tak berani lah nak mandai2 kan coz dah kul 10 lebih, matahari pun dah ade kang flu lak anak2 tu main air under the sun but the moms were saying “alar ni matahari pagi…tarahal” so me pun ape lagi on lah the water sprinkler

At first, Malaeka kena parking dulu near the sprinkler by her mom, and later joined by others

This was of coz wasn’t their real shower. They went in to have warm shower and later i even gave them to sapu vicks on their chest.

Oh ya, besides their “master piece” they brought home souveneir too

I definitely had a colourful morning =)

n hope the lil crawlers n moms enjoyed their saturday morning too

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Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE

Happy Feet

By on November 11, 2009

I took photo of this baby when he was less than a week….


And over the weekend, he came over to my house


(sila abaikn tapak kaki kotor, bukan salah mereka tapi salah my patio yg kotor…hihi)

They came at noon so couldnt take any outdoor photo so set up the “black studio” at my patio and again pintu tu memainkn peranan backdrop jugak



Lepas amiq gmbar Ichiro, mak bapak die lak nk bergambar. During confinement the mother refused to take any photo, well i dont blame her coz she was really bloated! I still remember meeting her up during her last trimester…oh my, i couldnt believe myself the weight she gain during her pregnancy. She even walk like a peguine…hihi

And of coz i was surprise to see her now. 


Gembira posing bagai…


While parents posing for photos, where was Ichiro? Under the car of my boy hArith =)



hArith kept Ichiro occupied, entertaining him with toys. And soon after, Ichiro joined his parents


hArith was busy putting up Ichiro’s name at the stroller. Bagus kn my assistant


See, the mother still happily posing while the father entertain the baby. Well, i would be as happy as her too if i loose weight that much after pregnancy. She was really huge back then

More photos of Ichiro




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