My dear fren Fadd gave me a reason to celebrate, or perhaps a reason to have a nice dining. Wondering wat’s the reason to celebrate? It’s secretary week. Being housewives, that makes us (she and I) our hubby’s secretary. I told hubby what Fadd told me and he seems to agree with the idea. ( Oh, well I hope he still remembers that he agreed with the idea, hihi).
Anyway, the other day we went to The Curve and we saw a poster promotion for the Royale Spa at Royale Bintang Hotel. And since they have a couple room thought it would be nice to go and pamper ourselves (sempena the Secretary Week), so I gave them a call to enquire further bout their package, UNFORTUNATELY they do not accept a 6 months preggie lady =(
So we will have to think of dining then, aight hubby dear? ;). Any suggestion, anyone? Hmm..i’m wondering has Fadd decided where are they going…
p/s: In June we have more than just a reason to celebrate… hmm, so far I could think of about 3 to 4 reasons. Wanna make a guess what are the 3 -4 reasons? Well, will talk about it when the month approaches nearer.

sungguh lah bernas idea ini..saya sukaa!!hehe
nxt month pun ade reason to celebrate…mOthers’Day. hihi
my bday pon in june tau. hehe.
i’m waiting for anybody to wish me mtoher’s day… hubby? langsung xsensitif, heheh.
i pun lebih kurang je..takde lar sensitif mane pun…hihi
(ohh..matilah saya hubby baca)
1. ur anniversary june 3rd…
2. bufday harth~ athirah june 7, if x silap….
apa lagik?
kalu betul nk kasik mende?
journeys for 2:
1.anniversary betul =)
2.bday hArith and athirAh 9th june..
ade lagi…teka lar if terror =D