I was expecting my maid to come back so I could update all the belated post. But looks like i just have to forget about those belated post. Don’t think it is possible for me to the Mothers’ DAy post that I have been tag by my friends.
Nway, for mOthers’ dAy, it was a good excuse for me to splurge on Hagen Danz ice-cream cake. Bought it for mAma and we all had it for tea and brother compliment it wiz a bouquet of flower. Next day we went for family dinner at Bubba Gump, the Curve. It was nothing great for me. Don’t see any reason that would make me want to go there again.
And pApa bought for me new bAby bag, skip*hop. My previous Storksak can no longer accomodate my two babies’ stuff. Thus pApa bought two massenger skip*hop =). A blue and a pink. It hangs nicely at the stroller, making it easier to reach for stuff. thAnks deAr!
Well, main intention of this post was to write about my first out-station journey. But it is almost midnite, i better catch my sleep because tomorrow will be any tiring day.
That’s all for now, till i can find some time to spare here….

bila u due ye dear..so skrang takde maid la yer…sian u..mesti penat kan…
i pun baru pegi bubba gump tu! wat did u have?
eh… sama laaa… Umi and Baba tied the knot on 3th June as well… tapi 2006… hehehe.. so happy anniversary to you too…
yup,without a maid skrang. mmg penat, nak pengsan pun ade. babies super active. panjat sume mende. tangga pun dah panjat smpai ke atas. ingatkn bile smpai atas trus penat…tetengok smbung panjat tv cabinet pulak.
nk dukung hArith pun dh tak larat…
tak ingat wat’s the name tat i ordered, it’s the one yg few types of shrimps…
overall food ok ok lar for me but i think it’s over price. dont c anything that would attract me to go there again
umi & baba babynadhrah:
hAppy anniversarry to u too! =)